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NOVEMBER 5th, 1983

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NOVEMBER 5th, 1983


Rory was awoken to the smell of bacon, which was odd for the Blossom household, but then she realized that this.. isn't the Blossom house 

She rolled her eyes, sitting up off the couch before looking down at Lacey, who had cried herself to sleep at the absence of Kolbi, and Lily, much to her dismay, had to sleep on a pallet Evelyn had made on the floor with Lacey.

Next to Rory, was Brady and had fallen asleep next to Aria. So far she was the only person awake (besides Evelyn) and got up to head into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Aurora was it?" Evelyn smiled, half way through making eggs for the six kids that were living in her home."

"Rory, just Rory."

"Right, well, Rory. I need to ask you and your siblings some questions." Evelyn's stare hardened, she had called in sick to work today and she wasn't going to waste.

"Right, well they are sleeping but I'm free." Evelyn rolled her eyes, this kid had sass.

"Right well, we're are you from?" Evelyn interrogated Rory, before serving her a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs.

"Lawrence, Lawrence Kansas." Rory replied, causing Evelyn's stare to harden. 

That's all the way South..?

"Right well- how did you end up here." Rory was trying to figure out a way to explain this, without sounding Insane, just as Lacey came in.

"We fell out of the sky." Lacey replied bluntly, taking a seat next to her sister and stealing a bite of her bacon.

"All of us are here, but my friend S-Sarah is missing.." even saying it was hard on Lacey, not only was she her best friend she was her sister.

Evelyn nodded, just as Aria came in. Evelyn noted that Aria was some sort of protector to her siblings.

"So is Sarah your friend?" Evelyn was not directing the question at anyone, but she needed to know if she was going to house these kids then she needed to know.

"Yes, she didn't fall out of the sky with us, and we can't find her anywhere" Aria nodded, also taking a seat next to her sisters.

Kolbi and Aria never got along, but Aria loved Kolbi with all of her heart and would do practically anything for her.

"When did you last see her?"

"When the floor of our house caved in. We haven't heard anything since" lacey said crying slightly.

Sarah was her only friend, she approached her in first grade and asked her to be her best friend and they have been bff's ever since.

"What do you mean your floor caved in?" She asked, due to her job she had always studied the thought of time travel, but she wondered how a family of 6 could manage it.

"Well, that's hard to explain" lacey spoke softly

"We are from the future and we got teleported somehow and our floor glowed this neon green colour light and then we feel through and I broke my arm" Brady said walking in, leaving Lily still passed out

"Bravo, bravo" Lacey said, fake clapping 

"You guys are from the future?" Evelyn asked

"Yeah, we don't really know anything else about how this happened" Rory added, tired of the questions

"All I know is, Kolbi, my best friend and sister wasnt there when we fell out of the sky, and she was nowhere near us, and I don't know where she is or if she's okay or alive"  lacey cries, she had never been much to cry in front of people but she didn't care.

"So, let's start at the beginning" Lily came in, finally.

"So, let's start at the beginning" Lily came in, finally

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written by Ari,, edited

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