Chapter 2 (Tempting)

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This piece has been extended and edited drastically🤭 so it'd be best to restart from here and continue everyone;)
Hope you like it😉 Enjoy!

A Couple weeks later


Once again the blaring music and bright neon lights surrounds Rowan only this time it was his own club. His club was much larger than the last one he attended and if he was being honest, more fun. The girl in the red dress had been on his mind for the entirety of that night but fortunately for him, quickly vanished when he took the waitress he was too harsh on, to his bed- well hotel bed- as a sweet apology. She was not bad. She took his c*ck well, and her mouth sucked him good too. He had nothing to complain about, except for the sounds she made. Her body felt great, but her moans were grating his ears off. So he'd ram his thick c*ck ever so deeply into her soaking p*ssy, knocking the air from her longs and perfectly silencing her.

He remember wanting to f*ck her raw, but STD's were certainly something he wasn't taking a risk for, no matter how reckless he could be. Aside for screwing the woman's brains out he had to cater for his fathers business while he was away with his mother on their vacation. Hawaii they said they'd go and from the pictures his parents sent him, he could've only puked from how cute they looked.

They were by no means walking with sticks, not by a long shot. His mother, Abigail, was in her mid forties, but looked to be in her early thirties. Her long and thick, charcoal, curly hair to which I inherited was mostly left down as she was too weary to fix it up. She had dark brown eyes and thick lips. Her skin was smooth saved for the emerging wrinkles which were still barely noticeable.

His father, Arden, has shaggy brown hair and blue crystal eyes, to which Rowan inherited and used to his advantage when it came to the women. After all, who doesn't love a man with pretty eyes? His father was in his late forties, voice as strong as thunder and his wrinkles were more evident than Rowan's mother.

The faint sound of Rowan's ringtone blaring in his pocket took his attention away from the dancing bodies. When he looked at the caller idea he saw that is was his secretary, Jennifer. He sighed heavily before accepting.

"Yes?" He greeted simply.

"Sir, Mr. Hermanie wants you to finalize the deal." Hearing this he heaved a sigh of annoyance. It was 1am and now he wanted to finalize the fucking deal? Could he not have waited a few hours more?

"Okay, Jen can you connect the line?"

"Actually, sir he asked for it to be done in person.." she drawled knowingly. "At the office, You know how Mr. Hermanie is about confirmation."

Rowan pinches the bridge of nose trying to keep his frustration at bay. "Of course, Thank you, Jennifer. I'll be there shortly." He ended the call.

"Yo, Ethan!" He call out to his friend but he seem to be too busy dry humping a red head to hear him. Rowan rolls his eyes. "Joseph!"

Luckily Joseph heard him. "Call Orson tell him to accompany me to the company, I have to finalize something. You guys fill me in on what happens here. I'll be back in an hour!"


Orson shuffles out the VIP red room, buttons undone and shirt slightly crimpled and hair disheveled. Rowan only chuckles and began to depart the club. At one in the fucking morning, to finalize a fucking business deal.


Rowan smiles ear to ear as he returns back to the club. The deal was finalized and everything was in his favor. He loved getting his way. As he exits his car, hundreds of eyes turn to him and he could hear the not so quiet whispers.

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