~My jacket~

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Summary: Mickey and Ian have an argument about Ian's meds. Mickey returns to the Gallagher's house for a jacket and sees Ian with it.

Word count: 966 (season 5)

Ian and Mickey were in the kitchen, Ian drinking coffee, and Mickey was eating breakfast. Once Mickey finished, he walked over to the medicine cabinet and took out Ian's meds.

Mickey walked over to Ian and kissed him, handing him his medication. Ian looked at them and grabbed them, throwing them away.

Ian was sick of the medication, he believed he didn't need them anymore. Ian drank his coffee once again, and Mickey looked at him in disbelief.

"Why the fuck did you do that, Red?!"

Mickey looked at him, disappointed. Ian didn't care much for it. Ian continued as he read a magazine. Ian finished the coffee and put the cup in the sink.

"I don't need them! I have been stable and acting fine!"

Ian was walking away before Mickey pulled him back by his arm.

"You're stable because of your fucking medication!"

Ian pushed Mickey off him, causing Mickey to let go of him. Mickey was now pissed and watched Ian out.

Mickey just waited in Ian's bed till he came back which was at 4 in the morning. While Ian was out he was smoking and drinking with other guys.

When Mickey saw him he was both pissed and relieved, pissed because Ian was high and drunk, but relieved to see Ian safe. Mickey then began to slightly yell at him for leaving and not answering his phone.

"What the hell Ian! I called and left voicemails the least you could do was leave a fucking message!"

All Ian did was laugh. Mickey got pissed and pushed him away. Mickey went downstairs and slept on the couch. He hated sleeping away from Ian but they both needed a break.

The next morning Mickey was asleep till noon. He woke up to a call from his brothers. They were going to hang out and wanted him to go.

Mickey knew Ian and him needed a break from each other and this was the only way to get a break in a healthy way. He was stressed but didn't want to be a bother and bigger stress to Ian.

Mickey agreed and hung up. Mickey threw his phone on the couch, not wanting to take it with him. He was over it with Ian he was tired. He was scared Ian wanted them to take an actual break from each other.

Meanwhile, Ian was in Mickey's Jacket. Ian didn't come out of his room all day. He was tired and wanted Mickey. Ian Usually wore Mickey's clothes when he was sad or tired. The scent of Mickey usually calmed Ian.

Later that day Mickey came back, but only to grab something he forgot, his jacket, which Ian was now wearing. He walked into the room and sighed.

"Ian, what are you doing?"


Ian heard his voice and turned to him, hoping they could talk.

"Mick..what did I do?.."

Ian asked him. Ian didn't remember anything from the previous day. Mickey ignored him and waited for his jacket. Ian started to tear up. He wanted to communicate with Mickey.

Mickey sighed and sat next to him. He didn't want to make matters between them worse; he did. He told Ian how he was worried and how he left a ton of voicemails and waited for him to get back but when he did it was late and Ian was fucked up.

Ian looked at him and apologized. Mickey sighed and looked away. Ian went in for a hug but Mickey stopped him.

"What you did was fucked up Ian. I can't just forgive you as if nothing happened. You're not the problem. The problem is the Meds. You need to take them, but you can't do that shit by yourself. I wanted to talk but you were too fucking busy getting fucked up with other guys and what am I supposed to do?"

Mickey's eyes were glassy, but he didn't care. He was tired of everything. Ian looked at him and shook his head.

"I didn't mean to! I swear. I was drinking at the Alibi and these guys came up to me. They started buying me shots so we became friends."

"At four in the fucking morning?! The least you could do is answer my calls and texts."

Mickey sighed and looked at him.

"Please take your meds, Ian. I won't leave as long as you take your meds. I don't want to lose you like last time."

"I don't need them, Mick. I never did. Not now, not then!"

"If you don't take them I will have no choice but to force you, Ian. I love you, I do really, but I can't be up at 5 in the morning because you are out doing whatever you do."

"Mick, please. I love you, but when I take my meds I am fatigued."

"You are what?"

"It means tired. Drained. All I feel like doing is sleeping and not going anywhere. Even talking drains me."

"Then I will be there to cuddle with you. We can do date nights in the house."

Ian chuckled and leaned his head on him.

"Take your meds and we can cuddle, but keep the jacket on, it looks good on you."

"I look good in everything. I wasn't in the closet my whole life for nothing."

Ian said, a smile growing on his face. Mickey rolled his eyes, kissing his forehead.

"Yeah yeah, go get your meds fuck face."
Alright! Thank you for reading! This is my first time writing ever! I would appreciate if you left some suggestions and constructive criticism! Have a good day/night!

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