♡The way he looks♡

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Summary: The Gallaghers (plus Mickey and Tami) we're having a fun day. It was also Mickey and Ian's 7-year mark of dating/being In love

Season: After season 11        Word count:1304

It was the middle of summer, and Ian and Carl were in the pool. Mickey had gone to get Snacks and games for the family as it was game night. Since everyone moved out of the house they had a night of the week where they all got together like old times.

Mickey grabbed chips and beer. He also stopped for pizza.  Mickey had volunteered to go to the store because he planned a surprise for Ian. It had been 7 years since they started to date.
(Ian was 17 -in season 3- and is now 26 -In season 11 he was 24 but this is two years later)

Meanwhile, Ian was playing rough with Carl and Liam. Liam was now 14 and living with lip. He bypassed his grade level, 8th grade, and went on to be a freshman in high school. Carl was a well know cop on the south side, known for actually helping instead of ruining. Carl was 21 and turning 22 in August.

Carl and Ian were going against lip and Laim in chicken fights. Just then Mickey arrived. He had everything in his hand and walked over to their seat.

Ian was carrying Carl and Lip was carrying Liam. They were yelling and fighting, having fun. Ian and Carl won and they all cheered. Just then Ian dumped Carl in the water and laughed. The laugh then turned into a yell as Carl dragged him down.

Mickey was staring at Ian, which Debbie saw.

"You love him, huh?"

Debbie said and nudged him. Mickey looked at her and scoffed.

"No. I never said that."

Debbie looked at him and nodded. She knew he was lying.

"Well, he can talk about you all day. Like actually. He's done it in our family group chat. It was embarrassing but really cute. He's never been this happy Mickey."

Debbie stood up and went to Franny, who was in the water. Mickey was alone now. Watching Ian having fun. He loved seeing Ian like this.

"Get in Mick! It's really hot!"

Ian looked at Mickey who was staring at Ian. Mickey looked away and hid his flustered face with a magazine.

"I'm going."

Mickey said as he took his shirt off along with his socks and shoes. Mickey walked over but stopped and looked at Ian's hand. He saw Ian wasn't wearing his ring so he took it off to avoid it rusting.

Mickey got in slowly as it was a bit cold. He swam to Ian and kissed him. Lip smiled and called Tami to leave Fred with Debbie and Carl so they can have a chicken fight. Tami jumped in and they fought.

Mickey was on top of Ian, fighting Tami who was on top of lip. Ian laughed and splashed Lip with water to distract him. Mickey smiled and best Tami. They all laughed and cheered.

Later on, Mickey got out to get a beer. Ian was sitting with Lip and smiled.

"Look at him, he is so beautiful. I love him
And the way he looks at me."

Lip smiled and hugged Ian.

"I'm glad he's treating you right. I haven't seen you smile this much since Fiona left."

Ian looked at him and looked at Lip with a smile

"You're one to talk. Tami and Fred are the light of your life. Without her, you would be at AA. I would be in a ward. He makes sure I take my meds and makes sure I know I'm loved. Who knew Mickey Milkovich was such a softy?"

Lip laughed and agreed. Meanwhile, Mickey was going to plan his surprise but needed a distraction.

"Hey, babe, I left something upstairs. I'll be back in a bit. The pizza is still warm so I'd come to eat it before it gets cold."

Carl ran to get food and slipped. He twisted his ankle and groaned. Mickey looked at him and sighed. Mickey put his ring back on and walked over to Carl.

"Come with me shitface, we have a first aid kit upstairs." Carl stood up and wrapped an arm around Mickey.

Everyone was shocked to see Mickey being nice. Even Ian was shocked. He knew Mickey was somewhat nicer than before but didn't expect that.

~In the apartment~
Inside Mickey helped Carl wrap his ankle.

"Ok look, I need your help. What is something Ian cherishes?"

Carl thought for a second and looked at him.

"You. He loves you. And Yevgeny! He loves y'all. He can't talk about anything but y'all."

Mickey thought and knew exactly what to do. Ian loved Yevgeny but hated not being his real dad. He wanted Ian to be his real dad, well at least his adoptive dad. So he needed to get an adoption paper.

Mickey told Carl the plan and he smiled. Carl knew Ian would love that. Mickey smiled and Carl saw the smile.

"You love him, you don't even have to say it. The way you look at him says everything. He's the best thing to happen to you. And you're grateful for it."

Mickey looked at his ring and nodded. He felt safe but it was weird with Carl and he didn't know why. He was a cop after all.

"Yeah, I do love him. He's patient with me. He communicates for me."

Mickey smiled.

~after the pool closed~

It was now 11:00 and everyone was headed to the apartment to talk.

Before Mickey and Carl went back down Mickey laid out a rose petal walkway to the living room. The roses lead to a bouquet of His favorite flowers and snacks. There was also an envelope with the paper that had a copy of the adoption papers.

Of course, Mickey asked Yevgeny if he wanted that. Everyone looked at the sight and was awed. That made Mickey embarrassed. Ian didn't notice the paper and was already tearing up.

"What's all this for Mick?"

Ian asked, genuinely confused.

"Today is 7 years. We have been dating for 7 years, Ian."

Mickey said with a smile. Everyone was shocked since they knew about 3-4 years. Ian hugged him and smiled.

"There is one more thing. Yevgeny wanted you to have this one."

Mickey pointed to the paper. Ian looked at it and opened it. Ian smiled. He ran to Yevgeny and hugged him. He looked at Mickey and hugged him too.

"I fucking love y'all."

Everyone wanted to know what it was. They were asking and Ian pulled away, running for a pen. Once he found one he signed it and smiled. Of course, it was a copy and he had to sign the real one in court.

"I'm Yevgeny's dad now!"

He smiled and hugged Yevgeny again. Everyone else smiled and cheered for Ian. Ian kissed Yevgeny on the cheek and cried a bit. He let go of Yev and looked at Mickey. He was opening a new beer, letting everyone else congratulate him first.

Ian hugged the other Gallaghers with a smile. Mickey was on Ian's phone and took a picture of himself. He loved doing that to Ian. It was a fun little joke he like to do to Ian.

Once everyone left Ian walked to Mickey who was on the couch, missing Ian's touch. Mickey was curled into a ball and was drinking beer.

"Mikhailo Milkovich."

Ian said walking to him and sitting next to him.
Mickey looked up and practically threw himself at Ian.

"Aww, you miss me, baby?"


"Happy Anniversary Mickey."

"Happy Anniversary firecrotch."

Ian kissed Mickey and played with his hair till the two fell asleep.

~Gallavich~ headcanons & OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant