✽Kitchen Duo✽

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A/n: This is one of my many headcanons. Please enjoy and don't be scared to leave your opinions!

In the Gallagher house, they had a rule:
Whoever lives in the house has to do their part.

Debbie works to pay the bills and make sure Franny has necessities. Carl works to help out Debbie and make money for bills. Liam isn't old enough but cleans around the house.

Lip works to care for Tami and Fred. Ian cooks and works to help pay bills and care for himself and Mickey. Mickey has no job but he helps Ian with dinner.

By helping with dinner he bakes and Ian Cooks.
Mickey will bake cookies or cupcakes so they can enjoy dessert. Ian always found it adorable Mickey was trying to help out. At the end of baking, he would always end up with some sort of substance. Whether it be brownie batter or Flour.

~7:00 pm~

Today for dinner Ian was putting together a Mexican layout. He made tacos and tamales, and he always made choices so they could choose what they wanted out of the two.

Mickey saw Ian was making a Mexican layout he wanted to also. Mickey began to make a tres leches cake. Mickey loved making Mexican desserts because they were fun to make.

While the cake was baking Mickey cleaned up his mess. He always did. Mickey finished tidying up and still had time. Mickey started to help Ian. Mickey could see the stressed look Ian had.

"Thanks, Mick. I do not know what I'd do without a husband like you."

Mickey smiled and kisses Ian, wiping flour on his nose and smiled.

"Now we match!"

Mickey was a real softy when it came to Ian. He loved doing things with Ian. Mickey had an Idea and ran to Debbie.

"Where do you keep your polaroid camera?"

"On top of my dresser. Wh-"


Mickey ran up and got the camera and ran to Ian. He could the camera up, facing them, and captured the moment. Ian kissed Mickey after he took the picture and smiled.

"You're a big softy I hope you know that."

Mickey looked at him and smiled.

"Would you like me to go back to trying to kill you?"

The comment earned an eye roll from the redhead. The older male's lips perked up to a smile.

~9:00 pm~

Everyone sat at the dining table, waiting for the food to be served. Ian and Mickey added the final touch to the main course. They looked at each other and nodded. Mickey took the Tacos and Ian took the Tamales.

Everyone looked at the food and was speechless by the presentation of the food. Mickey and Ian looked at each other, Ian smiling and Mickey hiding a smile.

Everyone began to eat and gave Ian compliments. Mickey smiled for a quick second, seeing the bright smile on the ginger.

Once everyone finished their dinner Mickey got up and walked over to the fridge to grab the cake. Mickey already added the decor. Mickey cut 9 square pieces to serve everyone.

Ian helped Mickey hand them out. Mickey sat down along with Ian after passing them out. Ian looked at Mickey who cut a piece of his slice. Mickey looked up to see shocked faces. Mickey was confused as to why they were staring at him.

Mickey looked at them and thought they tasted bad. He began to get embarrassed and stressed about it. He didn't want to be considered a failure. Mickey pushed his chair out, standing up.

"Excuse me."

Mickey said and walked up the stairs, going into the bathroom and just sitting in the tub, not even saying anything.

Everyone downstairs on the other hand was eating the cake, enjoying it. They didn't think it was nasty, they thought the complete opposite. They were shocked at how good it was.

Ian went after Mickey, scared about what happened. Ian looked everywhere but the tub, scared Mickey might have run off.

Ian went downstairs and looked at the family.

"Mickey's gone. I can't find him. I'm scared. What if he took it the wrong way?"

Ian looked again and this time he checked the tub. He sighed in relief and kneeled at the height of the tub.

"Mick, what's wrong?"

Ian asked softly, a bit worried at his silence.

"I'm sorry I ruined dinner. I didn't mean to. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I'm sorry Ian."

Mickey was upset about the fact that the only thing he and Ian loved to do more than anything was the fact They were the kitchen duo. It always was a way he and Ian got to spend more time with each other.

Ian laughed and hugged him.

"I'm glad you're sad about it but they loved the cake. They were shocked at how good it was. I bet if we go down there right now the cake will be close to done."

Mickey was now curious if he was telling the truth. Mickey went downstairs and saw everyone eating the cake, with two slices left.

Ian and Mickey are the last two slices. Ian and Mickey then cuddled on the couch with a cover. They fell asleep in each other's arms. Just like every night.

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