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A/n: This is a headcanon I had. Ian is someone who loves aquatic areas such as the beach, rivers, or lakes. Since they only grew up near the Chicago river he always wanted to go to a real beach. As the trip went on things got weirder.

Triggers: SA, stalking, gun, violence, and death.  (Not mentioned but is implied)

Word count:4238

It was the beginning of the summer of 2021. The sickness cases were going down and Ian and Mickey were able to finally go on vacation as a married couple.

While debating on where to go and the conditions Ian was practically bouncing in his chair. Ian had never been anywhere out of Chicago other than when he stole Yevgeny.

Mickey noticed the excited Ginger and looked at him, lightly laughing at him. Mickey took his hand and kissed the back of it.

"Alright, Red, we need to find out where we are going-"

"The beach!"

The taller male yelled out and smiled. He was so excited and looked at Mickey, who didn't have the biggest smile on his face. Mickey wasn't a big fan of beaches. For more reasons than one. He burns easily, he hates swimming, he hates the ocean, and lastly, people would be staring at his shirtless husband.

Mickey wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in a hat. Mickey, personally, wanted to go to Wyoming, and see Yellowstone National Park. Mickey adored seeing natural sights.

Ian saw this and felt bad. He wanted them both to enjoy wherever they choose to go. Even though Ian wanted to go to the beach them having fun was important. He didn't want to spend money on a road trip just to not enjoy it.

Ian took his own vote out of the hat and smiled softly at Mickey. Mickey saw this and was confused.

"Why'd you take it out? You were practically bouncing to see the beach."

"Well, you don't want to go. Even though I'm sad about it, it's better if we go somewhere we both enjoy."

This was going to take a while.

Mickey and Ian, we're talking, trying to find somewhere with a beach nearby but also with landmarks too.

They finally agreed on one idea.

"So we are going to Florida but on the road, we will stop at famous landmarks?"

Ian smiled and nodded.

"That way I get to go to the beach with my husband, but we still get to see all the stuff he enjoys."

Ian said as he pulled Mickey in, his lips meeting Mickey's lip, placing a soft kiss. Ian felt Mickey's lips perk up in a smile.

"That sounds like a good plan,"

Mickey said in between kisses. Ian finally pulled away and hugged him.

"But what route would we take?"

Ian took out his phone and looked at a map. Ian smiled and looked at a website and showed him a waterfall called Ruby falls. Along with a stop at Tallahassee Museum.

Ian showed the older male pictures of where they can go. Mickey smiled and nodded.

"Let's go pack for Florida, Red!"

Mickey said and smiled. They wanted to drive instead of a plane, considering Mickey was scared of planes and they didn't have the money.

~ the next week ~

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