"Second encounter"

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!!TW: this chapter contains swear words!

     3 days have passed since Georgie, Zuzy and Y/N reuinited with Willow and Tigry.

Nothing much has happened.. until now.

"Hey, i'm gonna take a walk by the river. Anyone wanna come?" Willow asked, holding the doorknob of the front door.

"Sure, i'll come." Tigry got up from the couch.

"I'd love to, but i think i'll stay here and watch the kids." Y/N said.

"Y/N, my guy, how long will it take you to realize that we can perfectly handle ourselves. Remember that time Zee and i saved your butts from the factory during Willow's villain arc?" Zuzy explained.

"My what?" Willow gave a confused look.

"Yeah." Georgie chimed in. "And remember when i traveled all the way from the safeplace to the powerplant to beat Mr.P's a-"

"Okay, okay. I understand." Y/N interrupted.

"I guess i'll come then!" They turned to Willow and Tigry.

The 3 went out, leaving Georgie and Zuzy alone.

"So, what now?" Georgie asked.

Zuzy gave a sinister smile.

"Let's see who can chug a whole milk carton fastest."

"Are you serious?" Georgie gave a weird expression.

Zuzy laughed. "HELL YES."

Georgie stared at her, as if she was a crazy person (which she is).

"You know, George." Zuzy finally gathered herself, "Zee can finish a whole milk carton in 30 seconds."


"Yup. One time, i told her to bite off a chili pepper for $20. And she did! It was practically burning her mouth, and she rushed to the fridge to drink some milk and accidentally drank the whole thing!"


Zuzy started to sound like herself for once. Georgie was glad, since he didn't like it when she sounds irritated all the time.

Suddenly, he remembered his encounter with Zee.

"Um.. Zuzy."


"There's... something i wanna tell you."

"As long as it's not a proposal." She joked.

"What? Of course not! Uh- anyway."

Georgie thought for a while, he at last, made his decision to tell her.

"About Zee, i actually-"

Abruptly, Willow came bursting through the door.


Tigry came in carrying Y/N, who had a stab mark in their stomach.

Georgie and Zuzy's heart dropped.

"Y/N!" Georgie ran to their side, Zuzy following.

"Hey.." Y/N smiled, despite being in horrible pain.


"Long story short, infected." Tigry said.

"THE BITCH GOT STABBED!" Willow yelled from the other room, looking for a medkit.

"I'm fine! It just needs to be treated!" Y/N reassured.

"NO, IT'S NOT FINE." Zuzy grabbed their hand. "Y/N, PLEASE DON'T DIE! PLEASE!"

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