Chapter 30

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February 2013 -past-

Spencer had gotten permission to spend the night at Natalia's so she could say goodbye to her best friends, with the agreement that she wouldn't stay up too late. She agreed, but knew that Natalia's parents wouldn't kick the boys out, so she'd probably be up much later than she was supposed to be. She didn't care though, she knew how hard it was going to be to say goodbye. She wasn't going to rush it.

She got to her friend's house at noon. Calum showed up at three. Michael was only an hour after. When six came around, Natalia's mom told the four that pizza would be there for them soon, and Spencer started to worry. Where were Ashton and Luke?

Even after they ate, both Calum and Michael still hadn't said anything about the other two boys, so the girls didn't question it. It hurt, and helped Spencer come to the realization that it was probably her fault that they weren't there. Luke was mad at her, and she was mad at Ashton.

They're not coming because of me.

They probably don't want to say goodbye.

They probably don't care. They probably hate me.

Spencer's mind was running wild while the four of them sat around Natalia's room, talking about how excited the boys were to go on tour, especially with One Direction, and how the girls were jealous they didn't have to go to school anymore.

By the time ten was rolling around, the four of them assumed the other two boys wouldn't be making an appearance. But no one commented on it out loud, keeping their hurt and anger to themselves. Instead they continued to talk amongst themselves about random things and play card games to distract themselves.

When midnight came around, Spencer was exhausted. She was usually sleeping by then, but there was no way she'd be the buzzkill when it came to this. She wasn't ready to say goodbye, and neither were the others. They all kept each other awake for another three hours before the worst of it came around.

There was still no sound from the oldest and youngest boys of the group, and it'd stay like that. Natalia's mom woke up and told the group it was time, that they had to say their goodbyes. She knew the boys had an early flight, and as much as she'd love to let the kids stay up longer to spend as much time together as possible, she knew they'd never sleep if they weren't forced to.

"Natalia, darling..." She sighed, pushing open the door with a look that could only be read as regret. "It's time for the boys to head home. You guys need to say your goodbyes."

"But Mom–" the brunette turned to look at her, tears already brimming in her eyes before her head snapped to Michael, who spoke up next.

"She's right, Nat." he whispered, frowning as he looked between the two girls. "I'm not even done packing and we leave in a few hours."

"I–" Spencer started, then looked at her lap as she let out a long, sad sigh. "I don't want to say goodbye."

"Mom, can we be alone please?" Natalia whispered, turning back to her mom for a mere second before looking at her boyfriend in front of her, a few tears falling down her cheeks. Her mother silently left, going back to her own room.

"Uhm– do you guys mind if Nat and I..." Calum paused, taking a deep breath. He needed to get this over with before saying goodbye to Spencer. "If we uhm– say goodbye alone?"

Spencer and Michael both nodded, pushing themselves up from the floor before making their way to the living room downstairs. "Listen, Spence." Michael started, sighing quietly to himself. "I know we were never as close as the rest of the guys but that doesn't mean–"

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