Chapter 33

72 6 13

November 2017

About halfway back to Luke's house Natalia couldn't handle it anymore and leaned between the seats again, eyeing her best friend. "So what were you guys talking about?" The three of them looked at the blonde, curious of the answer as well. "Seemed a little intense."

"Intense?" Ashton practically scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Nat, she looked like she was screaming at him out there. Did he say something?" His jaw was tense, knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel.

"No." The girl quickly shook her head, pulling Ashton's sweatshirt hood over her head. "No, everything's fine. Can we maybe turn on the heat a little?"

"Of course." Ashton was quick to turn the heat on, not hesitating for a moment and looking at the girl apologetically. Besides the radio playing faintly from the Bluetooth of Ashton's phone, it was mostly silent. No one wanted to push the blonde to talk about whatever was happening between her and Luke, no matter how curious they were.

The rain had mostly slowed to a drizzle by the time both cars had pulled back into the driveway. Spencer climbed from the car, moving the sweat forward to let her two best friends out from the back seat. The group of four assumed the other three were already inside, not at all surprised when they pushed the door open and they were drying off with towels in the entry room.

Luke smiled and held a towel out to the blonde, meeting her eyes for a moment. "Here you go, bean. You can shower first so you can warm up."

"I'll walk you up, love." Ashton stepped beside her once both their shoes were off, and offered her his hand. "Guest room, I'm assuming?"

"I was going to let her use my shower, the water pressure is a lot better." Luke sighed, glancing between Ashton and Spencer a few times, like he was pleading with the two of them somehow. But for what? For the mere fact that the two were in a pissing contest. "So, since it's my house, and my bathroom, I'll walk her up. Why don't you just get comfortable down here, have a beer or two?"

"It's like one in the afternoon." The oldest stared at Luke, an almost disgusted look on his face. He made sure to lean down and push his lips to Spencer's, catching her off guard completely. Then moments later he was lounging in the kitchen with the rest of their friends like nothing had happened.

"Come on, you're literally shaking." Luke whispered, grabbing the blonde's hand and intertwining their fingers before pulling her up the stairs to his bedroom. "Can we talk after you shower?"

"What's there to talk about, Lu?" She sighed, looking down at the ground, staring at the small puddle the two of their dripping bodies had created. She felt her body tense at the sight of it, as if she were ready to get yelled at and scolded for it.

She watched one of his hands move from his side and up to her chin, nudging it just enough to make her look at him. Then as if it were in slow motion, she met his blue eyes just before his lips were softly pressing against hers. It was nothing like the kiss they had shared earlier that day. It was soft and slow, full of a million emotions. One hand carefully cupped her cheek while the other rested on her hip.

"That's what I want to talk about..." Luke mumbled, breathlessly as he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "If Ashton gets to take you want– I want to too. I want a chance to show you how much you mean to me, Jelly Bean."

That damn nickname would forever give her butterflies. But she sighed and looked up at him after a few moments of trying to organize her thoughts. "I want to say yes, Lu. I really do, but isn't that wrong? Having a date planned with Ashton and then planning one with you too?"

"Even if it feels wrong, you said it yourself– you want to." Luke whispered, taking another step towards her to completely close the gap between their bodies. "It might feel a little wrong to kiss me but you did it anyway."

"Luke, it's not that simple–"

"Yes it is." He took a deep breath, shaking his head. "It feels right to me. More right than a guitar in my hands or performing." There was another pause as Spencer realized what he was saying. "If I don't have you, or even the chance again... then what's the point of performing ever again?"

"Don't say that, Lucas." The blonde practically gasped, staring at him with wide eyes. "You love performing. It's always been your dream."

"But without you it means nothing." He whispered, cupping the girl's cheeks gently. "Just one date, Spence. That's all I'm asking."

"I'll think about it." She gave him a small, weak smile before sighing quietly. She was only making things harder for herself, and she knew it at that very moment.

The blonde showered, mind running wild with thoughts about the two boys that wanted to take her out. She was worried about her feelings and realized they went much deeper than she thought. She didn't want to get hurt, not to mention the fear of hurting the two boys she cared so deeply for.

But in a way Spencer thought Luke was in the right. That if Ashton get's to take her out as an adult, he should get the chance to do the same. It was as if she was already weighing her options as she let the hot water run over her body.

Right on the surface, she felt comfortable with Ashton, she felt like he knew her better than she knew herself at times and that was rare. But she knew Luke, it felt normal to be with him. She felt like there were no surprises with Luke, but as if Ashton could surprise her with the most random of things. Good or bad.

There was hurt with both boys though. Luke lied, he broke up with her and didn't give her any real reason why. Ashton lied about why he slept with the girl, why he took her virginity. Both on top of keeping the secret that they were leaving for tour. That they were leaving her.

Spencer didn't even realize she had been just standing under the hot water for nearly forty five minutes until Luke knocked softly on the bathroom door. She froze, taking a quiet breath and covering her body with her arms even though she was hidden by the shower curtain. "Come in." She spoke quietly, surprised whoever it was heard her over the water.

The tall boy stepped into the bathroom with a small stack of clothes that he gently set on the counter, avoiding looking at the shower. He wanted to respect her privacy the best he could, as hard as it was. "I brought you some dry clothes, and I'm gonna take your wet clothes to wash and dry them for you."

"You don't have to do that, Lu." She laughed lightly, poking her head out from behind the curtain. He was shirtless, only in a pair of sweatpants that were hanging low on his hips. Spencer couldn't look away, eyes trained on his body until he chuckled quietly and walked over to the girl. Only her head popped out, giving Luke the opportunity to lay a kiss on her lips when she wasn't expecting it.

"I wanted to, plus you look better in my clothes than I do." He mumbled, barely pulling away from her lips in the process. "When you finish up I'm going to shower and we're all going to watch a movie together."

"Sounds cozy." She whispered with a small nod, catching his eyes before he started to walk out of the bathroom. "Uhm–" She paused until he turned around to look at her. "Thank you for the clothes, Luke. I uh– I'd love to go on that date with you."

"Really?" his eyes went slightly wide, smiling at her. "Cool cool, I'll start planning. How does a few days from now sound?"

"Perfect." Spencer's cheeks went pink, smiling as the two met eyes again. "I'm gonna finish up in here and meet everyone downstairs."

After Luke left with a grin, she was only in the shower another couple of minutes before climbing out and drying off. She was quick to pull her ex-boyfriends clothes over her body, staring at herself in the mirror for a moment. She had to admit she looked happier, even if she was overwhelmed and anxious about the two impending dates.

Devin could have never made her this happy, and she knew it. Her bastard ex-boyfriend was still finding ways to hurt her without even knowing, and it was going to come crashing down sooner or later to break the girl once and for all. 

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