Test Completed: New Beginning

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The Squad charged their power and flew to Seth's aid.
"Ok guys, what do we do now?" Jake asked.
"Now, we take Sensei out. But as a team." Riley said.
"Exactly. But this time, let's change the order of our attacks." Will said.

With one look of the Squad, another plan materialized. Riley, Ben, and Will charged the Sensei with their white aura. The Sensei flew into the air. Will, Ben, and Riley were in close-combat with the Sensei.
"SETH, NOW!" Will screamed.
"IM ON IT!" Seth screamed.

Seth was right above the Sensei. Seth dropped down and punched the Sensei in the gut. Seth punched him into a mountain.
"Nice work you guys. But now, I'm not going so easy on you." The Sensei said.

The Sensei charged his power and in three seconds, he had yellow aura and yellow hair.

"This is called Super Saiyan. It's a transformation that only Saiyans can achieve. And you know your energy? That's called Ki. Right now, you all charged your ki to the max so it shows." The Sensei explained.

"Wow wow wow, slow down. What's a "Saiyan" and what's "ki"?" Jake asked.
"Ki is the energy within an organism. So species have low amounts of Ki energy. Like humans.
"Ok, so what are "Saiyans"? Are they like aliens? Ben asked.

"Saiyans are an alien species that can turn into a giant ape when they see a full moon. They are also a species with high amounts of Ki. Saiyans also have tails.

The Squad looked at each other, and then at their tails.
"Wait, we all have tails. Does that mean that we're all Saiyans?!" Will asked.
"Yes, yes it does." The Sensei said.
"Wait, that means YOU'RE a Saiyan Sensei. You have your tail wrapped around your waist." Seth pointed out.

"Very good, and yes. I am a Saiyan." The Sensei said.

The Sensei charged. He was so fast the Squad couldn't see him. But one-after-another each member of the Squad fell out of the sky. The Squad slowly got back to their feet.

"You should've defeated me when you had the chance because now I'm a Super Saiyan. There's no way you can beat me now." The Sensei said.

(Finishing each other's sentences)
Will: We don't care
Ben: That you're a "Super Saiyan" or whatever.
Riley: What we do care about
Jake: Is getting our black belts
Seth: And learning about ourselves and our powers.

The Squad's white aura was swirling vigorously while they all charged their Sensei. Will stayed back while the rest of the Squad was in close-combat with their Super Saiyan Sensei.

Will holds his right hand out. A few seconds later a spinning ball of Ki appears in his hand. He throws it at his Sensei. The Squad backs away and the Ki blast hits their Sensei in the face.

When he recovers the whole squad was in close combat with him. Riley went behind the Sensei while Seth went in front of the Sensei. The Squad dispersed and Riley and Seth threw an unrelenting barrage of Ki blasts. The Squad went back to the close-combat strategy. The Sensei couldn't keep up with their speed.

The whole squad backed up and charged their Ki. Each member of the Squad raised their right hands and a spinning ball of Ki appears. They all throw them but instead of being a circular ball, it was a one-handed beam. The beams were INCREDIBLY fast. The Sensei had no time to dodge.

The beams hit the Sensei. But he did not appear to be damaged.
"Very good my students. You all passed the test. You have earned your black belts." The Sensei said.

Of course the Squad was happy with their victory, but they were still puzzled.
"How did you dodge our beams?" Asked Will.
"I didn't. I blocked them with my Energy Field." The Sensei replied.
"If you want, I can teach you some new and powerful skills." Said the Sensei.

"That would be awesome" Said the Squad.
"Before we start, you can't call me Sensei anymore. You have to call me............. Goku."

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