Squad vs Ginyu Force Part 2

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Guldo and Recoome led Will and Riley away from Ben and the Captain. Guldo wasn't that great at fighting but Riley sensed something different about him. "Hey Recoome, what's their power levels?" Guldo asked. "Awww man. These guys are only at 5000." Recoome complained.

"Ok, that means we can end this quick and help the Captain with that brat." Guldo announced. "That 'brat' happens to be my friend." Will stated. Will and Riley charged their opponents. Will and Recoome went into close combat. Recoome was BIG and surprisingly fast. He punched Will's gut and slammed his back. Will hurtled toward the forest. "Aww, did I break my toy already?" Recoome said.

Will Instant Transmission in front of Recoome. He went into close combat while his guard was down.Will then side kicked Recoome's stomach, and back kicked his face. Recoome was battered, but he didn't show it. "I like you. This is gonna be fun." Recoome stated.

Riley charged Guldo. Riley punched Guldo in the stomach and slammed him down to the forest. Riley hovered down to see Guldo stuck in a tree. "How did you make it in the Ginyu Force? I thought that you guys are the best? You can't hurt a fly." Riley said. "Oh you'll see. Hehe I have a secret ability." Guldo said. "Oh really? Does it make it easier to look at you?" Riley asked. "It's all fun and games with you isn't it? You won't be laughing when I'm through with you." Guldo said.

Guldo took a while to get out of the tree. Riley charged. Guldo took a pose that looked like his hands were snakes about to strike. "TIME.......FREEZE!!!" Guldo screamed. The world instantly stopped and turned black and white. Guldo had to hold his breath to activate this move so he had little time. Guldo ran over to Riley.

Guldo went in close combat with Riley's gut and ran about 10 yards behind him. He let go of his breath and started to breathe. Riley felt the force of the close combat and started moving backwards. Guldo then kicked Riley's back. Riley barrel rolled into some trees and rocks. "How am I supposed to hit a person who can stop time?" Riley thought.

Recoome charged Will. "RECOOME KICK!!" He screamed. Recoome's leg blazed with a purple flame. Recoome flew so fast Will had no time to react. Will took the full force of the flaming kick. He was knocked back. Barrel rolling 25 meters hitting rocks and trees. He finally stopped and got back up. "This guy is strong....AND fast." Will stated. Recoome charged again. Will made his aura flare and concentrated. Right when Recoome was in his face he sent a force of ki to his chest. Recoome went flying back screaming to the top of his lungs. "I'LL GET YOU YOU LITTLE TWIRP!!!"

Recoome stopped himself in the air. The shoulder pads on Recoome's battle suit were snapped off. "I'm hungry, let's finish this. RECOOME..... ERASER GUN!!!" Recoome opened his mouth and a ki blast the shape bowling ball appeared. "I can't let him launch that attack." Will thought. Will Instant Transmission in front of Recoome. Right before Recoome could launch the attack Will shoved the ki blast down his throat and flew into the air. BOOM!! There was a massive explosion with smoke everywhere. When the smoke cleared Will could see Reecome standing loud and proud. He smiled at Will with smoke leaking out of his mouth. He had 3 teeth left in his mouth. "That was a smart move little saiyan. Now this is gonna be fun. I'm not holding back anymore."

Riley flew towards Guldo. Guldo was still trying to catch his breath. Riley uppercutted his stomach and kicked him into some trees. "It seems he has to hold his breath to activate the Time Freeze, and he only uses it when he's about to get hit or to perform a combo. I have to find away around that Time Freeze ability. But how...." Riley thought.

Guldo got back on his feet. He got into his stance. "TIME FREEZE!!!" The world went black and white. Everything stopped in its tracks. Guldo ran over to Riley and punched him in the gut and kicked his face. He ran back behind a tree and started to breathe. Riley felt the force and flew back. He got back up wiping some blood from his nose. "THAT'S IT!!!" Riley thought. He charged Guldo. They went in close combat. Guldo flew back and tried the Time Freeze again but Riley anticipated the move. Right after he screamed "Time Freeze" Riley Instant Transmission 3 feet behind Guldo (knowing he would run around). The world became black and white and Riley disappeared. "Where is he? I can't find him anywhere. How could he just disappear?" Guldo thought. He started to breathe and Riley Instant Transmission where Guldo was and flew to where he was currently at. Riley punched him right in the face with all his strength. "How did you do that?" Guldo asked terrified. "It's called Instant Transmission. It allows you to move through time and space to a specific point in an instant. Your Time Freeze can't effect me anymore." Riley stated proudly. "I still have one last trick." Guldo said laughing.

Recoome charged Will at full speed. Recoome threw a punch while Will ducked. Recoome knee smashed Will's gut and Will uppercutted Recoome's jaw. Recoome round housed again but Will jumped over it and knee smashed his nose. Recoome threw a punch but Will moved to the side. He grabbed his wrist and put his hand on his chest about to throw. Will swung him over his head and at the last second he ki blasted Recoome's chest. Recoome went spiraling down. He hit the ground with a BOOM!

Will hovered down to see his opponent. Recoome was standing up as if nothing ever happened. "That was a smart move but now you're gonna die." Recoome said with a smile. Will got in his battle stance. Recoome disappeared. When he reappeared he was in front of Will in close combat. Punching, jabbing, kicking Will while his guard was down. He side kicked Will into a tree. "Now I'm gonna finish you off with these next attacks." Recoome said.

Guldo got up. He put his hand where he just got punched. He started to concentrate. "HEEEYAAA!!!" Guldo screamed. Riley suddenly couldn't move. Riley was paralyzed. Riley realized what was happening. Guldo was manipulating his body. Riley started to hover in the air. "Haha how do you like that trick huh?" Guldo asked. Guldo made Riley put his hands by his sides and made him stand up straight. Riley was struggling to regain control. Guldo reached out his hand and lifted up a tree. "Are you ready to die puny saiyan?!" Guldo screamed. "No I think I would like to live." Riley stated. Riley opened his his right hand and launched a baseball sized ki blast. Riley missed. "Haha you missed." Guldo stated. "Wasn't aiming at ya." Riley said proudly.

Behind Guldo was a tree with a gash in the trunk. Guldo turned around to see a tree fall towards him. Guldo jumped to the side and broke his manipulation. Riley broke free and Instant Transmission beside Guldo and kicked his side. "I've had a lot of fun fighting you. But I'm getting bored." Riley said. He started collecting energy. "KA....ME....HA....ME.......HAAAA!!" A blue beam shot out of Riley's hands. Guldo had no time to react. He was getting into the Time Freeze stance but before he could say the words he was vaporized by the Kamehameha wave. Riley stopped the Kamehameha wave. "Hey Will I'm done here, you need some help?" Riley asked. "No. I can do this. You meet up with the rest of the Squad. I'm right behind you." Will said. "Ok, good luck bro." Riley added.

"He's gonna need it." Recoome said.
He charged Will. "RECOOME KICK!!" His leg was swallowed by a purple flame. He kicked Will in the stomach. Will flew back. "RECOOME ERASER GUN!!!" While Will was still flying backwards Recoome launched the bowling ball sized ki blast. It had a direct hit. Recoome charged again. "RECOOME KICK!!" Recoome axe kicked Will into the ground. Recoome took a step back to catch his breath. He was breathing heavily. There was smoke everywhere. When the smoke cleared Will was lying on the ground. "Awwwww man. Are you dead? I didn't even get to try on my new Ultimate."

"I can't give up. The Squad is waiting for me. I CANT GIVE UP NOW!!" Will thought. He slowly got up, coughing up blood. I'm not going to lose to someone like you. Let's finish this." Will said. "Fine, if you wanna die so badly I'll help you." Recoome said. Recoome took a stance that looked like he was about to sprint but he put his fists to the ground. He started to concentrate. His aura started to flare. He was now covered in a purple lightning that was flickering across his body. "RECOOME....ULTRA....FIGHTING..." Recoome was interrupted by a flaming fist to the gut. Will was in the Kioken state and Recoome was paralyzed by Will's uppercut. Will back flipped and kicked Recoome's jaw. He was launched into the air. "KA....ME....HA....ME.......HAAAAA!!" Recoome was hit by a gigantic blue beam. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR UNDERESTIMATING ME!!!! THAT IS THE WORST MISTAKE YOU CAN MAKE!!! KIOKEN TIMES TWO!!!" The Kamehameha wave became bigger. Recoome was vaporized. Will stopped the Kamehameha wave and his red aura dispersed. Will fell back breathing heavily. One of the sleeves on his Cowboys shirt was ripped off and his Jeans were ripped. He reached into his pocket to pull out a little pouch. He reached in and grabbed a Senzu Bean. He ate it with a crunch and swallowed. Instantly his muscles became bigger, his energy became back to normal, and all his wounds had healed. He got up and flew towards Squad

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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