Squad vs Ginyu Force: Part 1

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"WAAAAIIITT!!!" Ben shouted. Will and Seth stopped in their tracks.

"We need a plan." Riley said.
"Those warriors aren't flying fast so we have about 2 minutes before they get here." Jake announced.
"Ooookk, then what do we do?" Seth asked.
"Here's what we do. Will and Seth, since you two like to charge in battle you will take on the melee troops head on." Ben said.

Will and Seth looked at each other with a smile and fist bumped.

"Riley and Jake, you are going to fly to the back with the range troops. Riley you go on the right side, Jake you go on the left side." Ben ordered.

Riley and Jake looked at each other and chest bumped.

"Where are you going?" Will asked.
"I'm going to the center and taking them out from within." Ben said with pride.

The Squad nodded simultaneously and started to scream. Each member of the Squad was surrounded by a vigorous clear/white aura. The Squad charged the army.

So far the plan was working. Will and Seth were beating the enemies and knocking them out of the skies. Riley and Jake were dodging enemy fire and firing back.

Every couple minutes a group of range troops would charge their ki blast together and launch one big ki blast, but Jake and Riley had no problem throwing them back.

Ben was having a little bit of trouble because he had range AND melee troops battling him. So he had to dodge ki blasts while fighting the melee troops. Ben didn't mind it. He loves challenges.

After fighting for 15 minutes the troops were all defeated. The Squad, floating triumphantly, hovered together to talk.

"I can't believe we just did that?!" Ben said.
"I know. I feel SO ALIVE!!!!" Jake shouted.
"I feel like I can run a mile!" Seth said.

Seth reached into one of his secret pockets and pulled out a slice of watermelon. The Squad was staring at Seth eat.

"What? Other people might have keys, wallets, or phones in their pockets I carry slices of watermelon...... don't judge." Seth said.
"How do you fit the watermelon in your pockets?" Will asked
"With my awesomeness." Seth replied
"Where do you keep your phone and wallet then?" Riley asked.
"In the front pocket of my sweatshirts." Seth replied.

The Squad just laughed. The space ship started to hum to life. Another secret hatch opened up and 5 men floated up. They were all wearing some sort of armor. One of the warriors was a short, chubby, green man with three eyes. On his right was a tall human looking man with red hair. Another was a tall blue alien. On his right was a not so tall man with red skin and white hair.

Then there was a tall purple man with 2 spikes sticking out of his head. The Squad could sense their energy. It was unbelievable... especially the purple man's.

"Who are you?" asked the purple man.
"Who are you?" Seth asked.
"I asked first." the purple man announced.
"I asked second." Seth replied.
"Fine. My name is Ginyu, Captain of the mighty Ginyu Force." He said.

"What's a "Ginyu Force"?" Riley asked.
"Let's show them." Captain Ginyu said.

The whole Ginyu Force started dancing and posing. After 5 minutes of watching them dance around like little girls, they did their final pose and announced their names.

                (Whole Ginyu Force)


There was an awkward silence that lasted for about 10 seconds. "Are you done now?" Will asked. "Yeah I'm getting bored." Riley added.

Captain Ginyu was getting mad. His veins were popping out of his head. "HOW DARE YOU IGNORANT FOOLS!?" Ginyu shouted. "HOLD ON!!!" Seth screamed. "Didn't you say that you guys are the best fighters in the Universe?". "Yes we are. Your point is..?" Jeice asked.

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