From Bad to Worse

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Rubble scattered everywhere. Burying the friends. Seth got up from the rubble, dazed and disoriented.

"Right here" Rebecca said weakly.

Seth rushed to her aid.
"Do you know where the others are?" Seth asked.
"Amanda's right behind me. I'm not sure where Will and Jake are." Rebecca said.
"Ok, protect your face." Seth said.

Seth backed up. He popped a squat and clutched his fists. He summoned a force of ki to knock the rubble back. Rubble flew back and both the girls were free. Out in the corner of Seth's eye, he saw a beam of ki, blast rubble across the room. It was Will and Jake.

"Are you all ok?" Asked Will.
"Yeah we're fine but WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Jake screamed.
"I don't know but we need to get the girls out of here." Seth exclaimed.
"Ok, so what do we do first?" Jake asked.
"Will, you take the girls and get them out of here. Take them as far away from this place as possible. Jake, go find Riley and Ben and get them down here. I think they're down in the lobby." Seth ordered.
"Wait, what are you going to do?" Will asked.
"I'm going to see what that was. After you've done your jobs take-to-the-skies. I'll see you there.

Will: LET'S GO!!!
Jake: ON IT!!!

Will grabbed Amanda and Rebecca and ran down the hall while Jake ran behind. Seth popped another squat as clutched his fists and summoned another force of ki to blow a hole in the wall. Seth charged up and flew out.

What Seth saw was what you would see in a nightmare. There was a battle ship above with armies wreaking havoc. The ships seemed to be firing ki blasts. The ki blasts were the size of cars.

"I have to stop those ki blasts." Seth said with determination. Seth channeled his ki and fired ki blasts at the speed of light. Firing faster than a machine gun. He was so distracted by the surrounding ki blasts he didn't even see the GIGANTIC ki blast right in front of him. This ki blast was the size of a house!

BOOOM!!!!! Seth was slapped out of the sky. The gigantic ki blast was flying straight for the dojo..........with Seth still on it.

"I CAN'T LET THIS HIT THE DOJO!!!" Seth screamed with determination.
"KIOKEN!!!!!" Seth screamed.

He was instantly surrounded by a red, vigorous aura. His muscles instantly became bigger. Seth felt powerful, but he knew it wouldn't last long. He had to work fast.

Seth held out his hands and started pushing the house-sized ki blast. He was slowing it down but it wasn't good enough. Seth had to push it back to the ship and take out the cannons. But how.....

"TIMES TWO!!!!" Seth screamed.
His aura became more vigorous. His body started to hurt.

"C'mon body. Just a little more." He thought to himself.
"TIMES THREE!!!" Seth shouted
His aura was now spiking. This was now dangerous because the Kioken takes a toll on your body. Seth was now at Kioken x3.

Seth's legs hit the ground, penetrating the Earth. Seth was still being pushed back and he was running out of time. At this rate he and the ki blast will hit the Dojo.

"I have to do it. There's no other way. I just hope my body can last...." Seth said.
"KIOKEN........TIMES FOUR!!!!"
Seth now looked like a body builder. His aura BURSTING with energy. Screaming in pain he slammed his right foot down, slowing the ki blast to almost a complete stop. Both the ki blast and Seth stopped right in front of the Dojo.

Seth threw the house-sized ki blast back at the ship causing massive damage. The ship crash landed into the forest about three miles away.

Proud of what he's done Seth took a knee. His red aura dispersed. Seth then lay on his back. Breathing heavily, he looked up at the sky. He saw four slices of watermelon flying through the air. He rubbed his eyes and he saw The Squad.

"I gotta get up there with Squad." Seth said.
Slowly he got up. Seth charged up his ki. Still tired from the kioken it took him a few minutes. After he was done he flew into the air.

"I think this calls for a Senzu Bean." He announced.
He reached into a secret pocket and pulled out a little pouch. He grabbed a Senzu Bean and ate it with a crunch.

"OHHHHHH YEAAAH!!!!!!!" Seth screamed.
Seth felt as strong again. His energy was instantly replenished. He flew as fast as he could to see Squad.

Ok is everyone here?" Will asked.
"Yeah I think so" Riley replied.
"Where are the other warriors?" Jake asked.
"They're fighting the enemy over there." Ben said
"Okkkk, then what do we do about that?" Seth pointed to the forest.

Out in the forest, the space ship that was severely damaged........was still operational. Lights were flickering on and off. The ship tried to fly but it fell back down to the ground.

"What is it trying to do?" Ben asked.
"I think it's trying to escape." Riley said.
"Let's go check it out." Jake said.

The Squad flew over to the damaged ship. It was the shape of a disc. It had four legs as its landing gear. There was a big hole in the structure thanks to the ki blast Seth threw.

The Squad was hovering above the ship. A few seconds passed and then a deep, masculine voice screamed.

All of a sudden the space ship opened a secret door and an army of warriors appeared. Charging toward the Squad...

"Okkk, what do we do now?" Riley asked.
"We fight" Will said grinning.
"A whole army?" Ben asked.
"The other warriors won't get here in time. They're still fighting the others" Jake added.
"Ok, then we stall." Will said quickly.

There was a brief minute of silence. The Squad was having trouble comprehending their situation.

"I'm in. I got your back Will." Seth announced.
"Same here." Riley added.
"Might as well." Jake said.
"You guys are signing your death wishes you know that?" Ben said laughing.
"YOU KNOW IT!!!" Seth screamed

Will nodded at Seth and they both charged the army at full speed.

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