Secrets are revealed

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Two years have passed and the Squad was now in 8th grade. They were still training with Goku in the dojo. Goku had just finished his lesson on summoning ki energy into balls or beams. He also thought them the Kioken.

For the past two years the Squad has gone the the dojo everyday. Jake and Will's girlfriends were getting suspicious. So Amanda (Jake's GF) and Rebecca (Will's GF) confronted them both at the same time.

Hey Jake may I ask you a question?" Asked Amanda.
"Sure go ahead" Jake replied.
"Same Will. We need to ask y'all some questions" Said Rebecca.
"Ooooookkkkk" Will said.

(Finishing each other's sentences)
Rebecca: Where have you been going
Amanda: For the past two years?
Rebecca: Every single day
Amanda: Of every single week?
Amanda and Rebecca: ARE YOU TWO CHEATING ON US!?!?

Will and Jake looked at each other and laughed.
"No, it's not like that at all" Jake exclaimed.
Will and Jake looked at each other again.
(Whispering) "Ok, after school we'll take you where we have been going for the past two years. But you HAVE to swear on your life that you won't tell another soul" Will said.
Amanda and Rebecca: Deal.

School ended and Will and Jake were explaining how they had special powers. While they were explaining they were also leading them to their dojo.

"So you're telling me that you and some of your friends were born with special powers and your Sensei is a "Super Saiyan" because he has a tail and can turn his hair yellow? Rebecca asked.
"............... Yes" Will replied.

"We are also saiyans." Jake added.
Will opened to the door to their dojo. Amanda and Rebecca's opened wide open. It was bigger on the inside. There was training gear everywhere. Dumbbells, punching bags, pull-up bars scattered across the gym. But something was off about them.

"Welcome to our dojo. This is where we train and get stronger. This is where we come every day." Jake said.
"Sorry we couldn't tell you guys, but we have to keep this place a secret. Only strong warriors can train here." Will said.

Amanda and Rebecca (still in aww) couldn't respond. Out of the corner their friend Seth walks in wearing a sweatshirt and cargo shorts (as usual) with his favorite watch.

"Hey guys wasup. I see y'all brought some visitors. Don't worry, I'm not a snitch. Welcome to the dojo." Seth said.
"Thanks man." Will said.
"No prob, have you showed them our training room?" Seth asked.
"Not yet, but we were just about to go there. You wanna come with us?" Jake asked.
"Yeah sure." Seth replied

They all walked to the Squad's training room.
"Before we walk in, do you mind if you stay out here? We have to adjust the gravity to normal before you walk in." Jake said.
"Sure that's not a problem. I don't want to be a pancake." Rebecca said.

Will adjusted the gravity from 50x to normal.
"Why do you train in 50x Gravity?" Amanda asked.
"It helps us train faster." Seth said.
"What are you training for?" Asked Rebecca.

"............ There are creatures. In the universe that kill for the hell of it." Will explained.
"We know that one will eventually come to Earth." Jake said.
"We plan on stopping them from killing people." Seth said.

After they were done talking. The gym exploded.

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