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It was strange waking up to the sound of Jaime's snores. I carefully began getting dressed but I wasn't expecting myself to be sore. I made sure to pour some of the boar blood on the sheets. I let Jaime sleep and I got dressed in a simple red dress and shoes. I washed myself off with clothes as best as I could. I pulled that corset so tight it was painful and I did a better job than the servants did yesterday. When I stepped out of the room, I was met by two guards who could not look me in the eye.

"Lady Lancaster." They greeted with smirks in their voices. Tyrion Jaime's brother greets me and I nodded at him.

"Morning, Lord." He chuckles a bit but greets me back.

"Are you alright lady?" He asked me eyebrows raised.

"Yes, just fancing a stroll. It's far warmer than I am used to here." I tell him and he nods his head in understanding. "I also wish I could sleep longer...but I can't find myself tired enough." I confessed to him and he nodded his head once more before opening his mouth to say something.

"I will accompany you on your stroll." He informs me and I give him a warm smile. "You are bright, smart, beautiful, and you are powerful on your own right but you don't have to force yourself to love my brother." He tells me and I almost don't want to hear it. We don't marry for love, few do, and those that do should count themselves fortunate. That being said I would never marry for love, at least I was matched with someone who makes use of me and my family. I can trust them to help me run a country and I can trust them to keep shared interests in mind. "Many lords and ladies keep lovers. I do." He confessed as we walked into the courtyard. Rows of brightly colored flowers lined the shapes they made with them.

"Tyrion, I do enjoy Jaime's company and I believe we have shared interests that I can trust him with. He is also my husband, I intend on being faithful." I tell him and he nods. "Other lords and ladies including my husband if it pleases him may keep as many lovers as he wants on his dime and dollar. I already know about one woman. That is enough for me to know about." I tell him calmly and he chuckles a bit.

"You are a very smart woman." He informs me and now I am wondering what exactly was his brother's intentions. "You have piqued the interests of many lords and ladies, if you were like Cersei I would encourage you to take them up on the offer." He explains.

"I respect your sister, however I am not her." I reiterate. "I plan on being faithful to my husband, family, and country."

"No wonder my Father favored you." He chuckles. "You are smart but you are blindly loyal to those that use you." He informs me as if he were the first.

"Oh please, Cersei didn't want to let go of her lover. It took me two seconds with a maid to learn of Cersei and her lover, just a well placed rumor would disgrace her in your religion." I told him and he didn't at all look surprised. "Also, my brother thinks he's going to get the crown and the title of king once my father passes...simply because he's a boy. I know my people, they barely know him, they certainly will not trust him and they won't allow him to be king." I tell him and he looks at me nervously. "If they don't kill him, someone else will. My uncle won't oppose me, he knows better than to go toe to toe with me." I continue and he chuckles shocked. "I control my seven generals, they wouldn't dare knowing that they owe me everything." I explain and he seems almost speechless. "I may have built a house but it is not a house of's a fortress made of stone. I know what I am capable of and you would be wise to understand that although I have been a warrior- I have also been a politician." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Why not just execute your brother?" He asks.

"You think like a man." I chuckle. "My brother could try and return in time and claim I have stolen his birthright. We have a history of banished princes becoming kings." I tell him and he smiles and nods.

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