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Loki and you have been dating for many months and he decided to take you to Asgard one day. When you were there, he had some business to take care of, so you went to take a walk in the gardens. While you were gazing upon a beautiful flower bed, Frigga walked up to you.

She told you about a special fruit that grew in the gardens. Whoever eats of the fruit would experience the feelings of their soul mates, physically and mentally. You were interested in it, so she took you to see it. While you looked at the fruit, you thought of how you never truly know how Loki feels about you, as he doesn't open up to you that much.

While Frigga was not looking, you took a piece of the fruit, and hid it away in your bag. Loki then walked up to you, and you two spent a pleasant evening together before returning to Earth.

*flash forward to Loki getting stabbed to save Thor in Thor: The Dark World*

You couldn't believe it. The love of your life had just been stabbed to save his brother. You didn't want to believe it, yet there Loki was, bleeding out on the ground. You felt dread, as you knew he would not survive this. You thought of only one thing to do. Reaching for your bag, you pulled out the special fruit.

As you were doing this, Loki was watching you. When he saw what you were up to, he started yelling.

"NO! Y/N DON'T! DON'T DO IT!" Loki yells through his pain. Thor looks at you too, and his eyes widen when he sees what you are doing. He puts Loki down and runs over to try to stop you, but it's too late. You eat the fruit, and are immediately hit by pain and emotion. You fall to the ground as Loki shouts your name.

You feel Loki's pain from his wounds, but fighting against it is a stranger force. It's love. You feel Loki's love for you, and his nervousness from being around you. You feel his desperation to be with you always, and his hidden fear of you leaving him. As you lay on the ground, Thor reaches you and picks you up. He carries you over to Loki, who tries to sit up but gasps and falls back down. Thor sets you down by Loki, and walks away to give you two space.

"You fool. Do you know what you have just done? You have doomed yourself. Doomed yourself to die over some monster that doesn't deserve your love. I deserve nothing. You, however, deserve to live. So tell me, why?" Loki says, holding you close to him.

"I c-can't live without y-you." You stutter, shaking as the pain takes over your body, consuming you in wave after wave of pain. You look up at Loki as he starts to lose color, his blood flowing in a dark pool and his face growing pale.

"Thor, brother, I am sorry." Loki says, looking up at him as he walks back over to the two of you. You watch as Thor cries and hugs Loki. Loki grimaces, but hugs back, despite the pain. Thor looks at you and you smile slightly, cringing. You reach out and Thor hugs you close. You let go of him and lay back down in Loki's cold arms.

"Loki...I love you." You say, looking up at him and kissing him with the last bit of strength you have. He kisses back with all the power he has in him.

"I love you too, my love." He says, before kissing you again. As you kiss him, you feel it creeping up your body. You start losing feeling, and your last breathe is spent kissing Loki. He looks at you as you slump in his arms, and he starts to cry.

"Wait for me, my love. I am coming now." He says, and with that he dies, his body entwined with yours, your souls drifting up together and embracing as you head towards eternal rest.


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