Don't Know What You Got 'Til It's Gone (Clint)-Part 2

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-Clint's pov-

After she left, I went mad. I destroyed almost everything. I also threw our piano off the upper balcony and into our pool, and I shot the TV. I was just about to shoot the picture of us when there was a tremendous explosion that knocked me off my feet. I grabbed my bow and quiver when I fell, and I jumped up with an arrow pointed towards the hole in the wall.

"Well well well...." I drawled out, pointing the arrow towards the intruder's chest.

"If you came looking for your whore, she's not here." I say, anger creeping into my voice.

"Look here, you little arrow toting bastard. There is NOTHING going on between Y/N and I. We were planning a birthday party for you, you jackass." Stark says, walking out of the hole in his Iron Man suit.

"Sure, and I'm the new president of the United States." I say sarcastically, not believing him. How DARE they go behind my back.

"Great cover story, Stark. But I don't believe you or that cheap little whore. Now, would you like to leave optionally, or do I need to show you to the door?" I asked.

"Clint, before we fight, think about it. I have my girlfriend, and Y/N has you. Y/N has devoted her entire mind, body, and soul to you. Do you really think she would cheat on you?" Stark asks as he closes his mask and lighting up his repulsors.

"Yes." I reply after a moment.

This obviously makes Stark angry, as he fires at me and then flies towards me, punching me while I am distracted. I drop my bow from the impact, but get a grip on my knife. Even though I know the knife can't do much damage, it still helps distract Stark, and I am able to get in a few good jabs and punches.

However, considering I am fighting against a piece of metal, I receive more painful blows. After trading punches back and forth, Stark throws me into the wall. As I lay there bleeding and panting, he walks over. His mask flies up, and he looks satisfied at me.

"You know, Clint, I'm seriously considering killing you right now. But since I'm such a nice, generous person, I'll give you two options. Option A: I kill you and walk away like nothing ever happened. At this point, I think it's what you deserve. Especially because you made Y/N cry." He says, glaring down at me. He watches as I flinch in surprise, imagining Y/N crying.

"Yeah, you heard me. Cry. It takes a LOT to make that woman cry, but you've managed to do it in one single fucking sentence. How does that make you feel, oh mighty superhero?" He asks angrily. I just shake my head, not knowing how to respond.

"Option B: your fucking ass is going to sit there and listen to me tell you what was going on. WITHOUT interrupting. Got it, you little fucking-fuck?" Stark growls out, daring me to comment. I nod my head, signalling Option B, and Stark sighs, dragging a chair over and sitting in front of me. He takes his helmet off and rubs a hand over his weary face.

"The picture you saw wasn't faked. Y/N and I were at the club, but not to hook up. We were there planning your fucking birthday party. The other picture, which claims to have us going to make out in a backroom, is true. But the caption is not. We were going back there to meet with the owner of the club to make sure everything was set up for next week." Tony explains.

I think about everything he has told me, then think about Y/N's tear-stained face, and of everything we said to each other before she left. My eyes widen in realization, and I groan. I slump down further onto the ground, making my wounds sting but I couldn't care at the moment. I just destroyed my whole world, and accused her of something she didn't do.

I stared at a picture taken of us two months earlier. She was grinning up at me, and I was smiling down at her. Tears came to my eyes and started to fall as I remembered how much she means to me.

"Stark, I fucked up. Big time. I don't know what to do. I don't deserve to live. Please, Tony, what do I do?" I ask, my face stained in blood and tears.

"Yes, you did fuck up. Yes, you do deserve to die, but I can't let that happen because Y/N will kill me if I let you die. So, assface, this is what we are going to do."


Part 3?

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