Broken (Tony)-Part 1

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"I don't believe you! How could you, Tony?!" You screech, making half of the people in the crowded diner turn to look at the two of you.

"Y/N, baby, please! I didn't mean to do it! I was drunk and she just came onto me! I was too drunk to push her away! Please, I love you!" Tony says, shaking.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You and Tony had been dating for a good two years now, meeting each other through Bruce, who was a good friend of both of you. You were wary at first, given Tony's well-known reputation for being a playboy, but you eventually caved and agreed to a date with him.

He had treated you like you were the world to him. Everyone was shocked at how much he had changed for you. They all were happy about his casanova attitude leaving as soon as he met you. He had finally grown up and was in a committed, mature relationship. Or so everyone thought.

He had been jumpy and acting strange the last couple of weeks, ever since he got back from a big social event that you were unable to attend. You grew suspicious and finally confronted him about his behavior, and he cracked. He told you that he had slept with someone there, and that he had lied about staying at a friend's house when he hadn't come home that night.

You sat there, feeling crushed. Two years down the drain. Your love wasted on nothing.

"I don't think this is going to work anymore, Tony." You mumble quietly, tears pooling in your eyes. You blink them back and look up at Tony as he processes what you had just said.

"You-you're breaking up with me?" He asks, barely audible.

"Yes. I can't stay with you and pretend that this didn't change anything. I just can't do it. I can't even look at you without thinking of how much love was just wasted, of how many years were ruined over a single night." You say, your voice hardening as you choke back the tears. He started to shake.

"Y/N, please, don't do this. It was a mistake that I should have never made. But I love you. You're my whole world, and I can't function without you. Please, don't do this. Please!" He pleads, his voice cracking. You just looked away and stand up.

"Tony, I can't do this. I need a break. I'll stop by later to get my things." You say, looking down at him.

"Y/N, please....." Tony says, reaching for your wrist.

"No! Don't!" You say, running out of the diner.

You don't stop running until You get to the park. You collapse on a bench there, finally breaking down. You sob and cry out for all the times you two had kissed, all the times you shared. All the times you had said 'I love you' to one another. All the pain crashed into you, breaking you apart.

*****a few days later*****

You park your car in front of Stark Tower. You take a deep breath before getting out of the car and walking in. When you reach the floor that had your main apartment on it,you walk out and stop abruptly. The whole place was in shambles, looking like the Hulk had a field day in here. You hear a noise and look over at the couch, which has half of the cushions ripped off of it.

There was Tony, laying passed out and snoring, with a bottle of liquor in his hand. A ton of empty bottles lay smashed around him, shards of glass everywhere. You creep closer, making sure not to wake him. Your breath hitches when he started squirming around.

"No...don't leave me. Don't! NO Y/N DON'T!" He says, whimpering and groping around, as if trying to find you. You turn away and go to your bedroom- no, his bedroom- before you can start to cry again. You manage to get mostly everything out to your car.

You went up to get the last bag. As you stepped off the elevator, a bottle came flying at your head. You duck and screech. When you look up, you see Tony standing there and gripping another bottle.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOME!" He shouted, about to throw another bottle, when he finally got a good look at your face.

"Y-Y/N?" He asked, voice quivering, the bottle falling from his hand.

"Hello, Tony." You say, looking away.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" He slurs, confused as to why you were there.

"I came to get my stuff. Don't worry, I only have one bag left to get, and then you won't hear from me again." You say, glancing at his disheveled form. He is a mess. His hair is all over the place, his facial hair unruly, his clothing dirty and wrinkled. You look closely and see his bloodshot, tired, puffy eyes. Not being able to stand seeing the man you love look like this, you turn away.

"Oh..." He mumbles, looking at the floor. You nod and walk to the room, getting your last bag and looking around. You sigh and go out, pressing the button for the elevator.

"Y/N, please. I am begging you. Don't do this. I know I don't deserve you, but I still love you. I love you so much that these past few days have been a living hell. I can't function without you. I would give anything to go back and change what I did. Please." Tony says, stumbling over to you. You back away, not being able to stand it anymore.


The elevator doors open, and you get in, trying to get away from him. He squeezes through right before the doors shut. You turn away, refusing to even acknowledge him. He stands there staring at you.

"I know you don't want to hear it, Y/N, but I mean it when I say I love you. I will never stop loving you. Please, don't do this to us." He says.

You shake your head, and walk out as soon as the doors open. You run outside and start to cross the street. Tony chases after you, and continues to shout.

"Y/N PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS! I LOVE YOU!" He shouts. You stop and whirl around in the middle of the lamp-lit street.

"IF YOU LOVE ME THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CHEATED ON ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! YOU BROKE ME, TONY! YOU BROKE MY HEART!" You shout, not paying attention to the car speeding towards you. Tony sees it, however, and his eyes widen.

You finally see the car, but it is too late. You freeze. You close your eyes and wait for the impact, Tony's eyes being the last thing you think you'll ever see again. You feel a big impact, but it is not the car. You are launched to the other side of the street, and when you open your eyes, you let out a strangled cry of shock.

Tony had pushed you out of the way, getting hit in the process. The car kept on going, the driver not even bothering to stop. As the car turned the corner and disappeared, you ran over to Tony, who was laying in the middle of the road.

"OH MY GOD, TONY!" You screamed, collapsing to your knees. He had a bunch of bruises already forming, and his right arm and leg looked like they were broken. But what concerned you the most was that he had a pool of blood forming under his head. You whipped your phone out and called 9-1-1, choking down sobs.

"Tony, don't you dare die on me. Please, don't die. Please. I love you!" You cry, gripping his hand tightly.

"Y/N..." Tony mutters weakly.

"I'm here, Tony. Don't worry, I've got you." You cry, terrified.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, trying to sit up to look at me.

"Tony, I'm fine! Don't move, you'll only make it worse."

"Y/N...I l-love you........" He says, coughing up blood. You stare in horror.

"Tony, baby, please! Stay with me! Don't you dare give up on me Tony!" You scream at him, sobbing.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Y/N..." He says, losing consciousness.

"TONY NO!" You scream as the ambulance finally arrives. They immediately put him in the back and you go with them to the hospital, clutching onto Tony's cold hand the whole time.


How is it so far? Don't worry, I'm putting up a part 2!


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