Fall For You (Bruce Banner/Hulk)

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You and Bruce have been married for two years now, but lately you have been secretive and distant. When he confronted you about it, you started to fight with him. All you two have done recently is fight. Bruce started to worry about your future together, and decided to talk to Tony about it. Not the best person, but Tony and Bruce were good friends, so he figured Tony could help.

"Tony, can I ask you something?" Bruce said one day in the lab. He was figuring out a new formula while Tony was tinkering with a damaged part of one of his suits.

"Yeah, sure..." Tony said, not looking up.

"Do you think Y/N...wants to break up with me...?" Bruce trailed off, pausing with his work.

Tony stopped working abruptly, looking over at him. He was shocked that Bruce would even ask that. You and Bruce were always together, never looking at each other with any other form of emotion than love. He couldn't imagine you two getting a divorce.

"Bruce, why would you ever think that?" He asked, concerned for his friend.

"All we have been doing recently is fighting. I don't know what to do anymore, Tony. I can't lose her." Bruce sighed, slumping down into a chair with his face in his hands.

Tony stood there and stared. He had to find some way to help Bruce. He knew that if anything ever happened to you two, Bruce would lose his mind. That couldn't happen. Not when Bruce just started to trust others and be more open with everyone, be less afraid of everyone fearing him. As Tony was thinking to himself, Bruce started to break down.

"Tony...I can't lose Y/N. I can't! I can't lose her! She is the only one who can calm the other guy down. She is the only one who completely understands me! Tony, I can't lose her! Please, you gotta help me! I CAN'T LOSE HER! I CAN'T!" Bruce started shaking, tears filling his eyes.

"Woah, woah! Bruce, calm down! I'll help you! Calm down, it's ok, you won't lose Y/N. I promise, so just calm down, ok?" Tony said, panicking.

Bruce tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. He was starting to turn green, and Tony about lost his mind, too.

"Oh, shit! Bruce. Calm down man! Calm down, just breathe, ok? Breathe..." Tony said, trying to calm him down.

"G-get Y-Y/N! NOW!" Bruce shouts, trying to put space between himself and Tony so he wouldn't hurt him. Tony ran out of the lab, shouting for you.

"Tony? What's wrong?" You ask, running out with the others following you.

"Get to the lab! Bruce needs you! Hurry!" Tony shouts, dragging you back to Bruce.

When you get there, you still have no idea what is going on. But as soon as you see the Hulk shaking in the middle of the room, you immediately know what had happened. You leave Tony at the door, walking over to where the Hulk is standing. Tony and the others watch you in case you need protection, but you aren't afraid, and you walk right up to him.

"Hey big guy." You say, smiling softly. He grunts and looks at you, calming down slightly. You hold out your hand, and he stares at it.

"Bruce, I know you can hear me, sweetie. Calm down, ok? I'm not going anywhere. So calm down." You say, smiling as you look into his eyes.

The Hulk stares back at you, his eyes completely calm as he places his big hand over yours in a protecting way. As you smile, he starts to shrink back to the man you love.

When Bruce's full form is standing back in front of you, you hand him a spare pair of pants that are in the lab for these types of situations. After he changes, you pull him towards you and hug him. He hugs back, thankful to be close to you again.

"Bruce, love, what happened?" You ask, running your fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. He rests his head on your shoulder, relaxing at your calming touch.

"I lost control." He says quietly, making you chuckle.

"Well, I know that. I meant what made you freak out?"

"The thought of losing you." He mumbles.

"What?" You ask, your breath catching in your throat. He looks up at you.

"All we have been doing these past few months has been fighting. I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I can't lose you. You've been distant and I am worried that you want to break up with me." He says, starting to shake again.

"Bruce..." You trail off, your eyes moistening with tears.

"I can't lose you, Y/N! You are the only one who accepts me for who I am. You are the only thing in my life that I have to look forward to. I won't live to see another day if we break up. You are the only person who can make me feel like this. You always think I am the stronger one, but I'm not when it comes to you. I'm breaking, Y/N. I am losing my mind. Every time we fight, I fear that I will lose you. And that can't happen, Y/N." He rambles, shaking with fear.

"Bruce...I'm not breaking up with you." You say, crying.

"What?" Bruce asks, his wet eyes looking up at you. Your heart breaks at the way he looks up at you, fear filling his eyes.

"I'm not breaking up with you. If you think you are going to lose me over a few fights, then you are stupider than a drunk Tony Stark." You say, smiling softly at him.

"HEY! I RESENT THAT!" Tony shouts, making Steve whack the back of his head. You don't look over though. Your eyes are focused only on the love of your life.

"Th-Then why have you been so distant and moody? I thought it was something I might have done, and then I freaked out because I thought you would want to break up with me." Bruce says, clutching onto you in relief.

"Well, Dr. Banner, it IS because of something you did." You say, grinning. He looks at you, confused.

"Tell me what I did to make you upset, and I'll fix it." He says, desperate to fix whatever he had done.

"Well, that will be kind of hard. Considering it won't be fixed for around eight more months, I guess we'll just have to deal with it for eighteen more years." You chuckle to yourself.

"Wh-what?" Bruce looks at you like a lost puppy. You giggle and cup his face in your hands gently.

"Bruce, honey, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby." You say sweetly.

"A b-baby..." His eyes widen and he grins like a fool.

"A BABY! Y/N, YOU'RE PREGNANT! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD! OH MY GOD!" Bruce shouts, spinning you around as you laugh. He sets you down and hugs you close as the others cheer. You look up at Bruce and smile.

"Y/N, I don't know how it is even possible, but I have managed to fall for you all over again. I love you so much. I never want to lose you. I promise to always be here for you and our child. I love you more than anything in the whole world." Bruce says before smashing his lips onto yours.

The kiss is soft yet forceful, full of love and warmth, just like your and Bruce's relationship. The others run over to congratulate the two of you. As you are being hugged to death by Thor, Tony pulls Bruce off to the side.

"See? I told you. You're never going to lose her. She is everything to you, and you are everything to her. You have nothing to worry about." Tony says, grinning as he pats his friend on the back.

"Good, Tony. Because a girl like her is impossible to find again. And I wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side the rest of my life." Bruce says, tears rolling down his face as he watches you smile, his glowing angel. His love. His whole life.


I am so proud of this imagine. I put a lot of love into this, just for you, my little stars!

If you want the inspiration for this imagine, then look up "Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade. It is such a lovely song.

I would like to dedicate this to @lindsaaaaay24 because she is a such a doll! You are an awesome writer, my dear! Please continue your great work!


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