Crush (Bucky Barnes)-Part 2

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Bucky's pov

 As we were walking back to the tower, I heard Y/N scream.

"LOOK OUT!" Y/N screamed, and then I felt something knock into me.

I kept a grip on the baby to make sure she wouldn't fall, and then I turned. There was a protective shield around the group, and I watched in horror as Y/N dove on top of a blinking robot. A second later, it exploded with Y/N on top of it, and the shield around us broke. Without thinking, I shoved the baby into Natasha's arms and ran towards Y/N.

"Oh, God, no! No Y/N! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I shout, pulling her into my lap. She has a huge wound on her abdomen, and a few cuts on her face from the flying metal. I tear a large piece of material off of my uniform and press it onto her wounds. The others are huddled around us, standing in shock.

"Steve, we've gotta get her to a hospital, NOW!" I shout at Steve. He nods and calls for an ambulance. I hold Y/N's body to me, sobbing. I need her to be okay.

The ambulance arrives and the paramedics immediately put her on a stretcher. They load her into the ambulance and try to push me back.

"NO! I need to go with her! Please!" I plead, and they let me get in. Tony gets in with me, the others following in another car, and we're off.

The whole way there, I plead for her to be okay, to stay alive. Tony watches me as I cry. I clutch onto her cold hands, her face becoming blurry from the tears blocking my vision.

"Please, stay with me. The team needs you. Tony needs you. I-I n-need y-you!" I sob.

When we get to the hospital, Tony has to hold me back from following them into the emergency room. The rest of the team gets to our private waiting room as I pace around. I continue to pace, stopping only to look at the clock. Natasha is tensed up, sitting in between Bruce and Clint, still clutching the baby to her chest. Y/F/N is sobbing into Steve's shoulder, Steve trying to comfort her. The whole team is distraught, as Y/N is close to all of us.

Tony is taking it as hard as I am. Y/N has always been like a little sister to Tony, and I know he is feeling as guilty as I am. I should have seen the robot. I should have been the one to take the fall, not her. She is the light of my life, and if she doesn't make it I don't know what I will do. She has been the only thing keeping me sane, the only person I can open up to about anything.

I stop pacing. Oh my God. I love her. I love her so much it hurts. What hurts the most is the fact that I never got to tell her it, and now I might never get the chance to. I should have told her. I should've.....I should've.......

I collapse onto the floor, my knees giving out, and I curl up into a ball. I don't care if the team is watching. I don't care if I am an emotional wreck, a blubbering mess of a man on the hospital floor. I just don't care.

"Bucky!" Steve shouted as I fell, grabbing onto me. I sob, no words getting out. He holds onto me as the team watches in sadness.

"St-Steve...I....I-I sh-should've t-t-told h-her!" I wail, rocking back and forth.

"Told her what, Buck?" Steve asks, holding me.

"Th-that I-I......I love h-her." I whisper through my sobs.

At that moment, Y/F/N broke down.


"You see it NOW?! OF ALL TIMES?!" Natasha yells, tears escaping.

"What's going on?" Bruce asks quietly.

"Tell them what you said, Y/F/N. If you don't, I will." Natasha snarled.

"Y-Y/N told us that she liked Bucky and I-I told Y-Y/N that B-Bucky was a m-monster and that he couldn't l-love her. That he was a m-menace to s-society and could easily kill us all. And that he wa-was e-evil and too old for her. She got m-mad and l-left." Y/F/N wailed out, crying into her hands. Steve stiffened beside me.

"Is that why I found her in the gym this morning with blood on her hands and a broken punching bag? All because YOU didn't approve of who she loves?!" Tony shouts in anger, glaring at her.

"I didn't want her to get hurt!" She yelled back.

"I don't believe you, Y/F/N. Don't you think you are being a little bit hypocritical, especially because of the fact that you're dating me?" Steve asks, looking at his girlfriend. "Furthermore, Bucky does have emotion. He does show love. And if he wanted to kill any of us, he would have done it already. I trust Bucky with my life, and so does Y/N. He has done nothing wrong since we found him. And none of what he did was his fault. He is a victim, NOT a villain. If you can't see that then I don't know if we should even stay together." Steve says in a painful voice, looking at her with his eyes full of hurt and betrayal.

At that moment, the doctor walks in, covered in Y/N's blood. Everyone stands up, hoping for good news.

"The surgery didn't go very well. Her heart crashed a few times, but we were able to revive her. She is in the ICU right now, and more stable than she was upon arrival. However, I am sorry to say this, but Miss Y/L/N is in a coma...and we don't know if she will be waking up from it." The doctor says.

And with those words, my world comes crashing down on me, and I fall into blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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