Don't Know What You Got 'Til It's Gone (Clint)

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You clearly remember the last words you two had said to each other. He had accused you of cheating on him with Tony, which you weren't, but he didn't believe you.

He had a magazine that had a picture of you and Tony at a local club. The article's title was "Is Hawkeye's Little Bird Flying With Iron Now?" You had tried to reason with him, but it got to the point where you were screaming at each other. You were just about to walk away and leave him alone so he could cool off, when he said the one thing you never thought you would hear.

"YOU are a CHEATING, SLUTTY WHORE! You are the WORST thing that has EVER happened to me!" Clint shouted, throwing a plate at you. You ducked just in time, narrowly missing it hitting you in the eye.

"I'm a slut? You really think that?" You ask, deadly calm, standing up and staring at him. You watch him glare, and walk by him, going upstairs. You go to your room, and grab your suitcase. You fill it with everything you own, and drag it downstairs.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" He shouts at you.

"To Tony's, not that it's any of your business." You mumble, loud enough so he could hear.

"Oh yeah, go whoring back to Tony. You don't need any of your stuff, you probably have most of it there anyways, you bitch." He says. You march over and punch him in the face, knocking him down. You stand over him glaring.

"I NEVER CHEATED ON YOU. I WAS WITH TONY PLANNING YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY WHEN THAT PICTURE WAS TAKEN. But did you listen? NO! YOU accused me of whoring around behind your back. I was always true to you. But I guess that's what happens when you date a trained assassin. They trust no one, not even the person who devoted their entire life to them." You say.

He says nothing, just continues to glare. You shake your head, picking up your bag and going to the door.

"Goodbye, Clint." You say, and you leave, jumping in your car and going to Tony's.

When you get there, the rest of the Avengers are there, too. Everyone looks at you and jumps up, running to you. Tony reaches you first, and you collapse in his arms.

"He accused me of cheating, Tony. He thought you and I were hooking up behind his back. I tried to explain to him, but he wouldn't listen." You sob.

"What else happened, Y/N?" Tony asked, pissed off.

"H-he called me a cheating, slutty wh-whore and said I was the worst thing to happen to h-him. Th-then he threw a plate at m-me." You say as the Avengers look shocked and concerned. Tony looked pissed, especially because you were crying. You NEVER cried, so that concerned everyone in the room.

"Cap, take care of Y/N for me for a few minutes, please. JARVIS, get my suit ready. Now." Tony says, standing up and walking you over to the couch.

"Right away, sir." JARVIS says. Steve wraps you in a blanket as you look up at Tony.

"Wh-where are you going?" You ask Tony. Tony's suit comes flying out and onto him. The face locks in place, and his eyes glow as Iron Man looks at you.

"I'm going to go inform our dear Hawkeye just what mark he has hit this time. Don't worry. I won't kill him. I'll just seriously maim him. Cap, don't let her leave." And with that, Tony flies off in search of Clint, leaving you under the protection of the Avengers


Part two, anyone?

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