Crush (Bucky Barnes)-Part 1

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I'm going to start writing in first person, because to me that will feel like you are actually in the story. Ok? Ok!


"Ok, Y/N, do you have a crush on any of the men living here?" Natasha asks me, looking at me from the foot of her bed. It was girls night and Natasha, Y/F/N, and I decided to stay in.

"I miiiiight....." I say, trailing off, not wanting to identify the person. Natasha and Y/F/N both lean in towards me, waiting.

"TELL US TELL US TELL US!" They chant together, grinning.

"Fine, fine...I might or might not....haveacrushonBucky." I say, rushing out my words. They glare. "Fine! I might have a crush on Bucky..." I say, blushing into a pillow.

"NO WAY! BARNES?!" Natasha says, cackling.

"Seriously, Y/N?" Y/F/N asks, looking at me in disapproval.


"Of all the people in the world, you had to pick a 90-something-year-old assassin?" She says, glaring. Natasha stops chuckling at that.

"What about it?" I ask, glaring.

"There is a major age difference there!" Y/F/N shouts. I glower at her.

"Back up the freaking truck there, Y/F/N. How can you be one to judge when you are dating Steve, who is the SAME AGE as Bucky?" I ask.

"That's not the point. Not only is he too old for you, but he is also dangerous. He has killed so many people, including Tony's parents, and he is violent. He can easily strangle you, or any of us for that matter, and is a menace to society. He doesn't know how to love, Y/N." She says, making me angrier by the second.

"That is not fair at all, Y/F/N. He is not too old for me, I am older than you and you are dating someone who is the same age as Bucky. And he was BRAINWASHED, Y/F/N! He was turned into a WEAPON. He didn't know what he was doing! It's not like he wanted it to happen to him. He didn't just waltz into Hydra and volunteer to kill Howard and Maria! He has done a lot of good around here since joining the team. And he does show emotion. If he didn't, he wouldn't have saved Steve from drowning, or let Natasha go without killing her. He is a good person, and if you can't see that then there is a problem with you." I say, shouting at her. Natasha nods her head, agreeing with me.

"All I have to say is this; if you get hurt, don't come crying to me. All I will do is say I told you so." Y/F/N says, calmly eating her popcorn.

"You know what? I've had enough of your bullsh*t, Y/F/N. If you can't support my decision, then I don't even see why we are friends. I'll see you later, Natasha." You say, getting up and leaving.

I head to the gym, taking my anger out on the punching bags. I keep at it, recalling every word Y/F/N had said. By the time I stop, the bag is split down the middle and my knuckles are bleeding. I collapse onto a bench, exhaustion overtaking me.

I am shaken awake in the morning by Tony, my other best friend.

"Hey, kiddo, get up. We have a new mission...were you in here all night?" He asks, looking me over. I look down, too. My clothes are all messy and dirty, my hair a mess, and my knuckles caked in dried blood.

"Mmmhmmm. Y/F/N and I got into a fight." I say, about to fall over. He catches me and walks me to my room, sitting me on the bathroom sink. He starts to clean my hands, washing away the blood and putting wraps on them.

"What about?" He asks, fetching me clean clothes.

"About my crush on Bucky. She likes to think that everything that happened is his fault. It's not like he willed it to happen, Tony! It isn't fair! No one can see the good that is in him. No one except Steve, Natasha, and me. He didn't ask to be turned into an emotionless weapon. He didn't ask to kill your parents. He didn't ask for the guilt, the pain. The loneliness." I trail off to a whisper. Tony grabs onto my shoulders and looks me in the eye.

"Y/N, I am starting to see it. I know he didn't ask to kill my parents. It doesn't erase the pain, but I still know it wasn't him. I am starting to see the good in him, too, along with everyone else in the tower. He is showing more emotions every day, and it's all thanks to you. You are the only person that can make him be more human. Even Rogers can't do that, and they have been friends since childhood. If Y/F/N can't see that, then she's got a problem." Tony says, looking at me gently. I nod and hug him.

"Thanks, Tony. I'm glad at least ONE of my friends gets it."

"Yep. Now, suit up. We need to take down an army of robots." He says, patting my head.

"And Clint's going to do that with just a bow and arrows?" I say, laughing.

"Yep. Oh, and for the record, a little assassin told me that Barnes likes you, too." He winks, walking out as I go to change.

*Time Skip*

"I think that was the last of them, guys." Steve says through the earpieces. I look around, seeing dead robots everywhere. The streets are broken, scattered with debris and shrapnel. I look at our group, standing back where we started.

Bruce is back to himself, standing off to the side with Tony. Thor was on Asgard, so he couldn't make it to this battle. Natasha and Clint were standing close to me, talking about Clint's farm, and Steve was standing with Y/F/N, assessing to make sure she wasn't hurt. I looked around, frowning.

"Guys, where is Bucky?" I ask, and we all look around.

"Over here!" I hear a shout, and turn to see Bucky walking with a bundle in his arms. He gets closer to our group and holds up the bundle. I look inside and see a tiny baby, sleeping peacefully despite the damaged city.

"She was laying in a pile of rubble when I found her. Her mom is dead, I checked her vitals. She didn't make it. I couldn't just leave her there." Bucky explains, looking down at the little girl. The baby coos in her sleep, wrapping her hand around Bucky's metal finger. He smiles, and I look over at Y/F/N with a smug look. She rolls her eyes, flipping me off.

As we are walking off to go home, I notice one of the robots beeping. My eyes widen, as I know what's about to happen. I push Bucky out of the way of the robot.

"LOOK OUT!" I scream, putting a protective shield around the others with my powers, and diving onto the robot right before it explodes. I feel a sharp pain, then nothing. There are screams and the team huddles around me as I sink into darkness.

"Oh, God, no! No Y/N! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Is the last thing I hear.

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