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y/n's pov-

His body was moved about an hour ago, but it feels like it was ages ago. I lay on the cold floor, his jacket pressed to my chest. I'm curled up in a ball on the floor, my hand pressed on the floor to where he was laying. There's a soft sigh, and i see Hermione lay down next to me, her cheek pressed to the cold floor as she looks into my eyes.

"You've got to get up, y/n. At least get up and we can go upstairs so you can continue this in bed. Surely that would be more comfortable.." I shake my head, not wanting to speak. I don't even know if i can speak. I've been screaming and sobbing for so long, my voice and throat feel raw, like something has clawed my vocal cords the shreds. I press my face into his jacket, relishing in the small amount of his scent left. It's smells like his cologne, mixed with cigarette smoke and the smell of his shampoo. I hold in a sob as i sigh shakily and bring my knees closer to my chest, the jacket pressed to my face. I'm hiding behind it, not wanting to admit that he isn't here. If i focus hard enough, it's like i'm laying on his chest, and i can feel his heart beat on my cheek, i can hear his heavy breaths as my ear is pressed against his chest, i can feel his hands gripping my hips, his lips kissing m forehead, his voice soothing me to sleep. He's here. He's here.

"Miss Dolohov.. I'm afraid you have to get up, dear." I look up, my eyes opening slowly. Professor McGonnagall is standing above me, her hands clasped together, a sad and pitiful look in her eyes. She gives me a small smile, before reaching down and helping Hermione get me to my feet. My legs feel weak. My knees buckle under me and i crash to the floor, kneecaps first. I don't even flinch when they slap painfully against the floor. I just wait until i feel Hermione's arm wrap around my arm and she drags me up, sighing heavily.

"Come on, y/n. Let's get you to bed." After a long time of Hermione dragging me up stairs, i collapse into my bed. As i lay in bed, i can see the moon from my window, peeking out from between the branches of the tree. It's a full moon, hanging in the sky like a bouncy ball on a calm sea, its light illuminating the dark. But as i stare at it longer, it seems to darken and loose its colour, darkening the world around me, pulling me in to the darkness once more. If i close my eyes and focus hard, i can still hear his laughter in the air, his soft spoken declarations of love.

Love for me. That i threw away. Just like that. Guilt creeps into my chest, i gulp heavily.

"I never even told him i loved him." I mumble, the first words uttered out of my mouth for hours. Hermione spins around, her hands hovering in the position they previously were.

"What's that ?" I sniffle, pulling my covers tighter around my body.

"I didn't tell him i loved him, Hermione. I refused to tell him even though he would tell me. He never really knew how i felt, and he never will." I say, my voice dead of emotion, scratching my throat uncomfortably as i speak. My mattress dips beside me, and Hermione places her hand over my shoulder.

"Y/n... He knew. Of course he knew. Everybody knew, we could see it in the way you looked at him. It doesn't matter if you didn't tell him.. He knew." I shake my head, sniffling.

"He didn't. Maybe he did at one point but not anymore.. I never should've gone to talk to Theo... I never should've-"

"You can't change what's already happened, y/n. It sucks, i know. But what's done is done.." After a moment of silence, she gets up. I can hear her feet silently thudding on the floor, before the door creaks open and then shuts.

"Mione ?" I ask, my voice creaky. When no one answers, i sit up, sniffling. My body feels weird, like a bag of stones. I look out the window and at the moon, licking my lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." i sob, clutching at my chest, as my lips begin to quiver and my body is shaking by spasmic sobs.

"I'm so sorry, Mattheo. I love you. I swear, i love you. I'll never stop loving you. Just come back." I whisper to the moon and the stars, all night long, wishing that if i whisper long enough they'll get sick of me and bring him back.

a/n- okay this is really short but it's really just like a filler chapter lmao, anyways i'm so excited to be writing this, and i hope you'll enjoy this just as much as you enjoyed the first one !

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