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y/n's pov-

It's been almost a year since Mattheo died. I haven't really moved. No teacher has expected me to return to class, so i just kind of not go.  I spend my days staring at the window, tangled up in a flimsy sweater that still lingers of his smell. A couple days back, i found a bra of mine stuffed in the bottom of my school bag, tangled inside and old shirt. I pulled it out and his hurried and messy hang writing was scrambled over the cup of the bra, reminding me of memories that had faded. Now, i sit with my hands on my knees, staring at the door as i hear Hermione keep on talking and talking, scolding me.
"This is unhealthy, y/n. Mattheo died over a year ago. If you don't go back to class, you won't be able to switch, you'll be stuck in sixth year." I look at her, eyes void of emotion as i tuck my chin into the little dip my knees make as they join.
"I don't care, Hermione." She lets her atms flop back at her sides.
"But WE care, y/n ! Pansy, Harry, Ron, Theo. We all care so much about you, and you shutting yourself off from everything is not healthy." she says, pushing her curly hair outside of her eyes. She sighs, walking over to my bed and sitting down, the mattress dipping under her weight.
"Y/n... i know you loved him, darling.. But he's gone. We've all come to terms with it. You have to accept it." I shake my head, lips pursed.
"i don't wanna." Hermione scoffs. She gets up and walks to the door, turning back to look at me before she leaves.
"You know what ? Fine. Stay hooked on the dead guy.. The good that'll do to you." She spits back, slamming my door behind her as she leaves.I crawl back up into bed, trying to not let the tears spill.
After a while of laying in bed and staring at the ceiling, my eyes start to droop.

"Y/n!" I spin around, Mattheo standing behind me, his arms open for me to run into. A huge grin is splayed on those gorgeous lips of his, and i run towards him. The second in withing arms reach, he scoops me into his arms and flings me around, lips pressed to mine. My fingers fumble with the hair curling at the nape of his neck, sighing happily as he drops me to the floor, hands on my waist.
"i've missed you.." i breathe out, eyes closed as his forehead rests against mine. Then there's a sudden weight and everything around me dies. The flowers and grass lose their vibrant colors, the sky bleeds out of its bright blue shade to a dull gray. I look around as clouds roll in and rain starts pattering on me. The most important thing though, is how Mattheo has collapsed against me, un moving. The sheer weight of his body against mine makes me collapse to the floor and he rolls in his back, his eyes void. I cup his cheeks, gasping. The feeling of his rotting skin under my hands makes me want to jerk back in repulsion, but it's Mattheo.. my Mattheo.
" Mattheo? Come on, get up. This isn't funny. Mattheo.." I look around at the storm forming around me, flinching as thunder crashes.
"Please, Mattheo, i'm scared. Wake up." I shake and shake and shake him. Sobbing, crying ,pleading. My throat is raw, hands digging into the rotting skin of his arms as i sob into his chest.
That is until he sits up, eyes still void of life, and smiles at me

My eyes spring open as i scream. I push the covers off of me, the feeling of Mattheo's rotting skin forever burned into my fingers, the look in his dead eyes forever engraved in my brain. I wrap my arms around me at the sudden cold, sweat bearing on my forehead as i look around the dark room, the moonlight filtering in from the window. I breathe out heavily, digging my fingers into my hair, tugging at the roots of my hair as i whimper and close my eyes, trying to get Mattheo's dead face to stop floating before my eyes. I sigh and look up, staring at the pattern of the moonlight on the hardwood floor , cheek pressed to my knee. I sniffle as i wipe my nose with my sleeve.
"God i miss you.". I whisper to the empty room. I can hear the silence echoing back at me, the silent buzzing of quietness filling my ears, the same feeling of pain hitting my chest as i don't hear his voice resonate back at me. I rub my eyes, sighing heavily as i lay back down and shut my eyes tightly, groaning.
"Jesus Christ, I'm losing it.."

Hermione's pov-
I watch as Ron shovels good into his mouth, loud gasps leaving his parted lips as he barely takes time to chew and swallow before stuffing his fork in his mouth again. I slap the back of his head.
"God you pig ! Would you slow down ?" Ron looks up at me, ginger eyebrows furrowed.
"Not my fault i have a big appetite Hermione." He retorts, continuing to stuff good in his full mouth. I grab his fork as he goes to slide the food off of it and drop it into his gullet once more.
"Hey! I was using that, Granger." I roll my eyes as i look at the boy.
"You'll get it back when whatever you have in your mouth currently is chewed and swallowed." His shoulders fall forward in a silk as his jaw starts moving. After a minute. a loud gulp is heard beside me, and i see his hand stretch out for me to drop his fork in.I roll my eyes and drop the utensil in his hand. He grabs some eggs and pauses before shoving them in his mouth.
"How's Y/n ?" I go still. We haven't talked since i yelled at her yesterday. i came to check on her this morning, but she ignored me. I clear my throat, sipping my water.
"She's fine."
"you haven't talked to her , have you?" He says, sniffing indignantly. I scoff, dropping my copy of the Daily Prophet in my lap.
"How dare you ! Of course i have...just not since yesterday."
"Why, what happened yesterday ?" Harry buts in.
"We had a fight." Everyone's heads snap up to be met by a tired y/n.
"y/n..." my mouth drops in surprise.
I didn't think she'd actually get out of bed.

(sorry for any grammar mistakes english is not my first language and i'm writing this at like three am on my phone while half awake so it won't be perfect :/...)

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