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harry's pov-

We all look up at y/n, shocked. There's the loud screeching as Hermione pushes her chair back and stands up , before throwing her arms around y/n, who just stands there with empty eyes. Her hands are shaking at her sides, her lips tightly stuck together as her arms press painfully into her sides as she refuses to hug her back.

"Oh, y/n. Im so so sorry." Hermione whispers, yet loud enough for Ron and I to hear. I shoot Ron a glance, who seems to have lost all appetite. His hands have been folded on his knees, his cheeks bright red as he looks everywhere but at Hermione. I roll my eyes, shaking my head as i stuff a fork full of eggs into my mouth. Y/n pats Hermione's back awkwardly, and Hermione let's go of the girl. She clears her throat as she smooths out her shirt and skirt, before gesturing at the seat next to hers.

"Sit. Please." Y/n sighs and shakes her head, grabbing onto the strap of her tote bag. She turns on her heels and walks towards the slytherin table and pokes Pansy on her shoulder.

y/n's pov-

i gently tap Pansy, making her head spin round to see who it is. I see the color in her face drain as her eyes go wide.

"oh my god, y/n." She stands up and hugs me tight, attracting the others attention. Pansy pulls away from me, cupping my cheeks and sighing heavily, sniffling.

"God i've missed you. I've been stuck with these idiots for almost a year now, i was about to end it all." She says, making me chuckle. I smile, tucking my hair behind my ear as we both sit down, her hand never leaving mine. 

"I can imagine." I reply, slowly tearing my hand away to rub my eyes. I yawn, and Pansy frowns at me. 

"Y/n.. Have you not slept ?" I yawn again, gasping for air. 

"I have, i just-" I cut myself off, my night mare flashing before my eyes- Mattheo's void, dead eyes. His lips rotting as they spread into a smile and maggots sprouted where his teeth once lay. His rotting palm still in mine, his body crawling towards me as he mutters the words "I love you" over and over. The scream that rips out of my chest, rattling the world around me, stopping all the rain and parting all the clouds- 

"Y/n !" My eyes snap open, and i gulp as i look up, sitting up. 

"What-What happened ?" I groan, rubbing my eyes as Blaise drags me up. He pulls me into his arms, sighing heavily. 

"You collapsed.. Fell off your chair in the middle of your sentence and hit your head." I frown, clearing my throat. 

".. I-I had this weird flashback. Of a dream i had." Pansy frowns, helping me back in my chair, before making a bag of ice appear out of nowhere and pressing it to my forehead. I wince, flinching as i squeeze Blaise's hand, making him cry out and fall to his knees. 

"Jesus Christ  , you're strong for a freakishly small girl." I roll my eyes, using my other hand to press the ice pack on my forehead. Pansy sighs, her eyes filled with worry, the lines between her eyebrows getting more and more prominent with every thought going through the wrinkles of her face. 

"What kind of dream, y/n..?" I look up at her , sighing as i lick my lips. 

"Uh.. It was a nightmare." I shudder at the view of Mattheo's rotting corpse as i close my eyes momentarily. "Yeah, definitely a nightmare." Blaise sighs, still kneeling close to my chair. 

"I know i'm going to regret asking this but, what about , exactly ?" I sigh, clearing my throat and shaking my head as i scramble for the small slices of memory i remember from my dream. I stammer, fingers moving the ice inside the ice pack as i bounce my foot up and down. 

"It uhm.. It started off fine. I was walking to the tree and Mattheo was waiting for me.." I say, and i see Pansy's face fill with regret and burden. She sighs, gently running her hand over my knee. I sniffle before continuing. 

"Everything was fine. He told me he loved me and then he kissed me, but uh.. After he kissed me, everything went dark." Pansy shakes her head in confusion, blowing air out of her nose sharply. 

"Dark how ?" I take the ice pack off of my forehead and place it on the table, before going to pick at the fabric of my skirt, all while trying not to cry at the feeling of Blaise's thumb rubbing back and forth on the top of my hand. 

"Everything around me died. The plants, the grass, the sky, the trees, .... him." i say the last part with a shaky breath, feeling the bile in my stomach raise into my throat. I shake my head, closing my eyes as a few tears escape. I breathe in shakily. 

"He was hugging me and he suddenly became really heavy. So heavy that i couldn't hold him up anymore. I could feel his - um - his skin rotting under my palms. For some reason, no matter how disgusting it felt, i couldn't let him go." I close my eyes again as i sniffle. 

"Until he sat up and smiled at me. But he was different. His eyes didn't have any life in them..." I gulp heavily, trying not to puke. "But when he smiled at me, his teeth where replaced by maggots. He kept on repeating how much he loves me. Until i woke up." I say.  Pansy pulls me into a hug, sniffling. 

"Has this happened a lot ?" 

"Over the past year ?" I nod. "Yeah." Pansy shakes her head, sniffling as she pulls away from me. Just then, the whistle of the Mail Delivery is heard.  

"Daily Mail !" Is shout out, and all the students start chattering, hurrying to get to their feet, trying to get a glimpse of their letter from home. I stay seated as a parcel drops in Blaise's arms a and a stack full of letters thuds in Pansy's palms. There's the ripping of paper as Blaise opens his parcel . 

"Oh, sweet , a new set of notebooks !" he says, reading the small card from his mum in his hand. Pansy unties the letters from each other, smiling as she flicks through the names of people that sent these to me. 

"These are all from my dad.." She says, sighing happily as she sits back down. I stare into space, knowing i won't get anything because i never do. I mean, my parents are dead. 

A letter floats down and lands in my lap. 

My  lap. 

A letter

I look up in confusion as i grab the flimsy envelope, lips parted as i stare at the writing. 

"I never get letters." I say, my eyes never leaving my name on the front of the letter, so neatly written. Pansy gently takes it from my hands and turns it around, brows scrunched. 

"There's no sender's address or name.. Y/n, i don't think you should open this." She says, handing me the letter again. I breathe in shakily as i stare at it some more. 

"But.. what if it's important ? I'll just keep it. For safekeeping." Pansy's eyes widen in surprise as she tries to take it away from me, shaking her head. 

"No, Y/n-" 

"I won't read it. I just want to keep it. Just in case." She sighs, giving up as i slip the letter into my bag, in between two books in order to keep it flat and uncreased. Pansy shakes her head before grabbing the ice pack, lifting her wand to it. With a single tap, it turns back into her  cup of pumpkin juice and she lets the cup thud back on the table. She sighs and shoves her wand back in her bag. 

"Okay, are you ready for class ?" I sigh, nodding slowly. 

"Yeah. I think i am." 

I definitely  was not. 

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