The Wolf

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Out walks a huge wolf, bigger than a bear and tall like a horse. It's no ordinary wolf it's a beautiful wolf and it reminds me of the one in my dream. He's grey with black spots on its back with brown eyes.

The wolf starts to walk towards me but I don't move. The wolf keeps coming closer slowly as if not to scare me. The funny thing is that I'm not scared of him, but when a wolf walks to you you usually run. The wolf is standing right in front of me and I look into his eyes. His eyes are like a Hershey's chocolate but soft like Carmel. I'm getting lost in his eyes that I can't look away but I don't want to look away.

I have this feeling that he won't hurt me so I stick my hand out. He backs up scared and I immediately stop. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to pet you. Ok?" I say with my hand still out. He walks up to me and I slowly hesitantly put my hand on top of his head. I rub his head and notice that he is almost taller than me. He leans and rests his head in my chest as I rub his head. I stop rubbing him and go sit down in the middle of the meadow again. I look up to see the wolf walk over towards me.

I pat the spot next to me and he lays down with his head on my lap. I rub soothing circles in his fur as he closes his eyes and pushes against my hand. We sat there for what seemed like hours until I heard another snap and the wolf jumped up on alert in protective mode. The wolf growls lowly and I suddenly get scared. The wolf looks at me the towards his back as if saying 'hop on' and I do without question.

Suddenly the wolf runs in the direction I came from towards my house. After about ten to fifteen minutes we're behind my house but still in the woods. I slide off his back and looked at my house. I felt sad that I was gonna leave him but I also felt safe around him. I turn facing him and said,

"Thank you. I hope to see you again soon" I put my hands on his head and kissed his forehead. I turn to walk back to my house. I walk in and mom was already cooking dinner. Mom saw me and waved, I waved back heading for the living room. I get to the living room and see my sisters watching tv, criminal minds to be exact and is my favorite show.

"Where have you been?" Carly asked with her arms crossed and right eyebrow raised.

"Nowhere really, just went for a walk in the woods and drew some pictures" I responded and dad walked in the front door.

"Hey kids, how was your day?"

"Long" my sisters said in unison and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Dinners ready!" mom calls and we all raced to the kitchen. After dinner I went to my room and turned my tv on. I drew a picture of that wolf and me together in that meadow. I looked over and saw it was 9:40 p.m. and got ready for bed. I put pjs on, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I got to my window to shut the curtains and could faintly see a pair of eyes looking at me. I remembered those eyes, it was the wolf and I waved to him and shut the curtains. I laid down and looked at the ceiling remembering that tomorrow is my first day of school.

I'm nervous but hopefully I have classes with my sisters. My eyes start to get heavy and I shut my eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

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