Revealing Ourselves to Billy

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~~~(unknown POV)~~~
"So..they couldn't do a simple task," I stated.

"We should have done it ourselves. At least then we would know the jo-"

"No! Felix, we are to not get involved. At least not just yet," I corrected him.

"Then what should we do?"

"Demetri is right sister, what are we going to do? It's your choice," my brother says.

"We will confront with Aro and see what he has to say. Then we will make our move." I replied calmly.

~~~~(Amy's POV)~~~~
I stir in my sleep feeling the comforting warmth from my lover. I turn in his arm so I'm facing him. I lay my head on his chest trying to go back to sleep. I felt movement next to me, now I know Embry's awake. I feel the bed dip a bit closer to me knowing Embry is leaning closer to me. He placed a kiss on my forehead then rubbed my back with his thumb. I heard the door open and someone whisper,

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you. I was just wanting to see how she's doing?" I think it was my mom but could be wrong.

"It's alright, she's still asleep which is good. I think this has been the longest she has slept in weeks." Embry replied. I just snuggled closer wanting to go back to sleep but was some how wide awake.

"Okay I will leave you two be, breakfast is done so when your hungry or she wakes up come on down." I didn't hear Embry reply so I imagine he nodded his head. I heard the door shut then I spoke...well more like mumbled,

"Thank god she left, maybe now I can sleep." Embry chuckled at my statement and I felt his chest rise and fall with vibration from his laughter.

"How did you sleep?" He asked after he calmed down.

"Alright, but now that I heard breakfast is ready...let's eat!" I said with a smile. I got up and waited for Embry. Once we walked down the stairs we went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed four pancakes, some scrambled eggs and four pieces of bacon. I sat down and Embry got me a glass of milk. I thanked him and he sat down with his food. After breakfast Embry and I both took showers and got ready for the day.

My parents are in the living room. Mom reading a book and dad watching one of his western movies. "Morning sweetheart, how you feeling?" My mom asked.

"Morning, I feel great a little tired but happy for the most part." I replied with a smile. Dad started laughing a bit then said,

"Good, that's the Amy we all know and love." I smiled at him. Embry came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned back in his embrace smiling like a goofball.

"You ready to go? Billy wants to see you and your sisters today." I nodded and said bye to my parents and that we would be back by dinner. You see tonight we are having my sisters imprints over, Embry and his mom are coming over tonight. Our parents know about us being shifters which I'm glad but wish they found out in a better way.

Embry and I are on our way to Jakes house instead of Sam's. Billy wants to know what our wolves looked like and I asked Carlisle if I could shift one last time. He said I could as long as I wasn't a wolf for too long. Which calmed Embry down, but he was still worried. Soon we were at Jakes and so was the whole pack, and imprints.

"Hi Billy, boys, Leah, kids, and girls." I said with a big grin and waved. I got waves and responses from everyone.

"So you girls shifted, ok can you guys phased for me?" Billy asked. I nodded and left Embry's side to go and shift behind the trees. My sisters followed and once behind the trees we took our clothes off so we didn't rip them. We have been going through a lot of clothes but at least Sarah can sew. She fixed most of our clothes but to avoid anymore ripped clothes, we just take them off then put them back on once done shifting.

Once I felt my bones crack and form a different shape, I opened my eyes once I could feel the dirt beneath my paws. I turned my head and saw my sisters. Carly was like me, all white but had black on the tips of her ears, paws, and the tip of her tail. Sarah was a blonde wolf but to me her fur looked like a golden color. Tessa was like Sarah but she had white on her paws, ears, snout, and tip of her tail. All of our eyes were like a shocking or bright blue.

'Once we walk out, go to your imprint so Billy can tell us apart.' I said. They dipped their heads down as a nod and we walked out in sync. Everyone turned to us and we walked to our imprints side. Billy looked at us in awe. He pointed to Tessa and said,

"Sarah?" Tessa shook her head no then he tried again, "Tessa," she dipped her head as a yes and closed her eyes. Then he went down the row of us saying our names. "Sarah," she did the same thing Tessa did, "Carly," she repeated the others gesture. Then he pointed to me "Amy," I bowed my head and closed my eyes. I stood to my full height which was almost taller than Embry. I'm the same built as Jake but just a bit taller.

"Amy go shift back, remember what Carlisle said." Embry said looking me in the eye. I nodded and went back behind the tree and changed back. Once I was back in my clothes I returned to the others. I didn't even noticed my sisters did the same.

"Interesting..." Billy questioned aloud. I looked at him confused to what was so interesting.

"What is it Billy?" Sam asked. We all were looking at him wanting to know what he's talking about.

"I need to talk with the other tribe counsel leaders, then I will let you know." He said rubbing his chin in deep thought. Jake said thanks and we all left to go back to relaxing for the day.

(Time Skip to Dinner)
It was 5:30 that night and I was helping mom cook dinner. Dad was watching football, and the girls are getting all dolled up. Tonight we are having brown sugared ham, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls. I even made two of my best deserts. Sugar cookies that are soft, it feels like it's melting in your mouth, and I made caramel snicker apple salad. Soon our guests arrived. We ate and chatted amongst each other. I was sitting with Luke and Embry while Katie sat between him and Tiffany. Everyone got along and we were all laughing.

After dinner I brought out the desert and let everyone dig in. Apparently everyone liked it because it was gone in less than five minutes. The guys were watching football and the kids were in there with my sisters. I was doing the dishes when my mom and Tiffany came in.

"Oh Amy you should be resting, let me do that for you," my mom took the plate out of my hand.

"Mom, I have been pregnant for three weeks. I am fine," I told her while she put the dishes in the dishwasher. Tiffany laughed at us but helped my mom.

"Oh Tiffany you are the guest, and guests shouldn't be doing the dishes." My mom told her.

"It's alright Serena, it's the least I could do since you cooked the meal." They were talking to each other and I just listened to them. "Oh Amy are you glad schools almost over?" Tiffany asked. I forgot, graduation was in two weeks.

"Yeah I am actually," I gave her a smile. I was getting tired and saw it was 10 o'clock. "I'm going to bed, see you guys tomorrow."

"Night Amy," my mom and Tiffany said in unison. I walked into the living room and went to the stairs. I told all of them night and went to my room. I changed into a blue t-shirt and black shorts. I went to my bed and got under the covers when I heard a knock. Embry came in and laid with me for awhile. We were talking about graduation when my door opened once more and in came Luke and Katie.

"Can we sleep with you guys tonight?" Luke asked. I looked at Embry and he said,

"Sure, come here sport," I turned around and held my arms out to them. Luke and Katie ran and jumped on the bed. Katie was snuggled into my side, and Luke was next to her. I was on my left side facing the kids, with my back up against Embry's chest. Embry had his arm across all three of us smiling and I smiled back at him. "I love you guys, goodnight."

"Love you too, goodnight." I replied sleepily. By then the kids were asleep. I went to bed thinking of what Billy said. It has been bugging me the whole night, but I ended up dreaming about my family being together with a smile on my face.
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