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It was comforting, laying here while Embry rubbed soothing circles in my fur. The comfort didn't erase the pain. The pain of not just losing one but three loved sisters. Just why? Why did they die? It should have been me. Now I can't face anyone without seeing the sorrow and hatred towards me. That will only add to my guilt.

My eyes are closed not wanting to see anything or anyone. I felt something nudge my side, but not the side that Embry was on. I tilted my head up and saw a wolf with two others behind it. They were whining and looking at me with worry filled eyes. Behind the three wolves I saw the pack and the Cullens walk towards us. I got up to back away but Embry stood next to me blocking my path of escape.

"Amy," I kept my head down looking at the ground, knowing the voice that spoke was Jake. "Amy the wolves next to you are your sisters. They shifted just like you," but I didn't look at them.

"Edward, can you tell us what she's thinking?" Carlisle asked.

"No I can't, she's got a barrier up. Even the girls can't talk to her," Edward responded.

"She's even blocked me from reading her emotions, I can't help control them," Jasper added. I could feel the stares from everyone, because I know if I look into their eyes I breakdown into tears. I felt someone rub up against me and I saw that it was probably Carly. I nudged my head against her neck and the same with Tessa and Sarah. Kind of like a hug, I mean I am happy to know that they are alive, but that doesn't mean I should forget that I did nearly kill them.

Soon we headed back to Sam's house and my parents were standing outside with Luke and Katie. When I saw the kids they had tear stained faces and their eyes were puffy. When Katie saw Embry next to me she ran towards me wrapping her little arms around my neck.

"Mommy," I broke at how hoarse her voice seemed. I leaned my head down gently on her back as a hug. Luke joined in and I did the same to him.

"Girls time to go," my dad said. Carly, Tessa, and Sarah had shifted back and walked to the car. They turned around looking at me as if I was going with them. I stepped back meaning I wasn't going with them. I just wanted to run home rather be in a car full of tension and looks from them.

"I want to ride with mommy," Katie said standing next to me. Luke did the same but didn't speak. My dad looked upset so to avoid an argument I laid down on the ground so the kids could get on my back. Luke sat behind Katie and they both held onto my fur tightly. I stood up and began walking home, but not before receiving a hug from Renesmee.

"Thank you," she whispered but I knew everyone heard her. I nudged her with my head saying 'your welcome' then took off. I went at a slow pace for a run so the kids wouldn't fall. When we got home I let the kids off and shifted with clothes on but were torn in places. We walked inside and saw everyone there. The kids went and got ready for bed and I went up to sing a song before bed.

After I tucked them in and kissed them goodnight, I went to my room. I went to my bathroom and took a hot shower. My emotions were all over the place and I began to cry but blended in with the water running down my face. After I got out I put on shorts and a t-shirt, and went to bed.

Eyes. Those blood Crimson eyes stared back at me. I was being held back seeing my sisters being beaten to death. Hearing the sickening cracks of bones breaking, and terrible cries and screams. I tried to move but was glued to my spot, frozen in time. Soon all the screaming became silent and I looked to see my sisters lying on the ground with bones poking out of their delicate skin, black and blue bruises covering their once beautiful skin. Blood that kept them alive leaking out of the open wounds and mouths. The worst was their eyes. Their once colorful loving blue eyes were now dull and lifeless.

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