" Chapter 10 "

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She didn't know it was love or not but there was something between them, something precious. Still his cold behavior was hurting her. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to tell him everything but he was being a total jerk not giving her a chance to talk.

"God why are you testing me like this? What is my mistake? You took mom and dad from me and now this... Please give me some peace God. Please." She whispered to herself and placed her phone aside.

Just then she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. It was too much that she stumbled and sat down on the floor with a thud not able to balance herself. Her head felt dizzy and tears blurred her vision. Due to her loud cry Asiye woke up.

"Hazan what happened? Shit. Why are you crying like this? Get up." Asiye panicked seeing her elder sister's state.

"Asiye... It's... pa... pain... ing so mu... ch..." She muttered in pain as her hands clutched her lower abdomen tightly. She knew what was happening with her and she knew she wouldn't be able to see her baby's face. She knew her baby was no more.

She checked everything and even her reports clearly stated that her womb was to weak to carry a baby still she wanted to give it a try but now when she felt wet down there, she knew her baby was gone. It wasn't there anymore. There was only Blood... Red...

She knew about all the symptoms as she was studying medicine. Still she wanted to give it a try but she failed miserably.

"Wait. I'm calling grandma we need to take you to the hospital immediately." Asiye said but Hazan held her hand, shaking her head in no.

"Don't ca... call grandma. She isn't... fi... fine. Its al... ready late at nig... ht and it's rain... ing heav... ily. I'll be fi... ne just help me to get... up." Asiye helped her to get up and then she screamed seeing the blood on Hazan's white night suit.

"Shit! Hazan blood! Oh my god you got periods! Damn you're pregnant! You have to go to the hospital now otherwise..." Her sentence was cut by Hazan's blank expression and curt sentence.

"My baby is no more."

The pain she felt in her lower abdomen literally made her numb but still the pain she felt in her heart was more than that. The only thing running in her mind was that she wasn't able to save her child.

She stumbled not able to walk and Asiye held her.

"Hazan you'll be fine okay? It's a natural miscarriage. I know how to handle this. Just go and change then I'll get you OTC pain tablets and a heating pad and you'll be fine." Hazan felt lucky that her younger sister was caring for her so much. Asiye was her only family.

She took Hazan to the washroom and handed her a fresh set of clothes and pads.

"Change it. I'm coming in a minute and don't try to come out." Saying this Asiye walked out.

She washed herself and managed to change her clothes and splashed water on her face.

Asiye then helped her to sit on the bed and gave her some cookies.

"Have it then you'll have the medicine. I talked with your doctor, she said you need to have something before you take the medicine and told me to give you heating pad and in the morning you're going to the doctor with me."

She somehow ate two cookies and took the OTC pain tablet.

"Asiye I'm fine. You should sleep now." Hazan said taking the heating pad from her hand.

"Shut up Hazan. I know you aren't fine so stop pretending. Now lay down." Asiye said glaring at her.


Next Day...

As expected after the checkup she got to know that her baby was no more. The doctor prescribed her some medicines and told her to take complete bed rest as she was way too weak.

"Damn! I just want to beat Yagiz abi so much. He's such a pig." Asiye went on cursing Yagiz while Hazan was lost in her thoughts.

"Asiye please don't tell this to anyone not even Yagiz. I'm so done with all of this. I want peace can you please leave me alone for a while, I want to sleep." Hazan said and Asiye shook her head in no.

"Miss what do you think of me huh? Do I look like a fool to you that I'll leave you alone? So that you'll cry again nonstop and make yourself sick. Just keep quiet. I'll be here with you no matter what you say and don't you even dare to cry." Hazan gaped at her younger sister widening her eyes.

"I'm the elder one not you okay." She said and hearing her words Asiye forced a tight lipped smile and said.

"Haa you just came in the world before me but still you behave like a baby, crying all the time. Be strong Hazan and don't let anyone affect you. I know you lost your baby and nobody can understand the pain from which you're going through right now but please try to forget it. It wasn't your mistake, it was all written and it was meant to happen. God has better plans for you just have faith in him and trust his timing. He'll surely reward your patience and will bless you with everything you want. God never tests people more than they can bear. God knows our limits and he knows what is good and bad for us. So now stop thinking about all of this and sleep. I love you so much and I'm always here for you." Hazan was shocked listening to her younger sister and thought how mature she has become at just the age of 17.

"You're the best Asiye. And I love you more." Asiye smiled at her words.

"Awww... Well thankyou, thankyou. You know I'm like that from the day I was born okay. Asiye Eren is the best example of beauty with brains." Asiye and her self love talks made Hazan smile a little amidst her pain.

Hazan lost everything. First her parents and now when she finally found a little care and affection from Yagiz he even broke her heart into million pieces and than when she got to know that she's pregnant, she thought everything is going to be okay now but it was also snatched away from her and now she was left totally broken, torn and hurt...

Flashback Ends...


Hazan got up from the bed and sighing she looked out of the window knowing that this time she'll have to marry Yagiz properly and be a real couple no matter what.

She didn't want it and she couldn't even say no. She don't want to face Yagiz. Nope she doesn't hate him, hate is a big word but the way he behaved with her in the past, she's never going to forget that ever. There was a time when she picturised her happy family with Yagiz and their two little babies but now it doesn't make any sense. She wanted to go away from him.


~ Asiye ~

"Asiye, Doruk wants to marry you." Grandma said to Asiye, who was busy fiddling with her dress.

She was dreading for this moment. The only problem was that she didn't know what to answer now.

"No one is going to force you my child. If you don't want this marriage to happen then you have the right to say no." Her uncle Hazar said to her softly.

She wasn't able to look up as Doruk was sitting just opposite to her and his gaze was drilling holes in her body.

"Marriage? Uncle, grandma what is this? Asiye is still a child, she's only 18 and I know she doesn't want to get married." Hazan said and hearing her Asiye's eyes shot up.

"We are not forcing her Hazan. We are just asking her and the choice is hers." Grandma said to her granddaughter softly.

"I said I know that she doesn't want to get married. So leave her, she's too young for all of this." Hazan said and held Asiye's hand.

"Come with me." Hazan said to Asiye.

Asiye placed her hand on Hazan's hand and said.

"I'm ready for this marriage." Asiye's words shocked Hazan while Doruk smirked hearing her.

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