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????'s pov

"Oh," I said, looking at the group of people who were staring at me expectantly, "I was training the other day and the recoil of the gun hit me in the face,"

"What are you talking about?" Corey asked, wheezing out a confused chuckle, "You, like, never train,"


How am I supposed to guess at what Colby would do?

I've only just gotten here, and the woman with the toddler seems to be interrogating me.

I had no idea who she was, or why she was even here.

She didn't look like an American, obviously having more Indian roots or something.

Maybe she was connected to some kind of mafia that I didn't know Mr. Brock had links to.

This would be very interesting to report back to base.

They think I'm Colby, but Colby's long gone.

Or he should be, by now. He's on his way to Nevada, forcefully escorted by some of my "friends."

"Um," I glanced over at the woman who was in the process of grabbing the toddler back from Corey, "Can you come with me to my room, please? We need to talk,"

I kept a firm facial expression, glancing at Devyn to see her eyebrows raised in surprise.

This seemed to upset the woman, who looked like she was boiling from the inside out.

Another woman announced her presence by zooming down the hallway.

She was a few years younger than everyone, based on the fact that she was so happy which showed she hadn't been hit with reality yet.

"Colby! Long time no see, did Sam tell you we'd be working together more?" She lunged into a hug, something my body instantly stiffened to at first.

This was all so confusing, I didn't know Colby's mannerisms or his relationships with these people.

I gave her a brisk hug, and she stared up at me with such warmth in her eyes I was almost convinced that she could possibly be Mr. Brock's girlfriend.

I kissed her forehead, causing her to flinch back, "Ew, don't be gross," She stuck her tongue out, stepping back to stand besides Corey and the other woman.

"Sorry," I shrugged, "It's just been so long since I've seen you,"

The other woman was staring me down, her sharp green eyes studying me intensely.

"Ki," The younger one said to the Indian lady, "Give me the baby and take Colebert upstairs,"

Ki. That must be her name, I wonder if it was her full name or just a nickname.

While I was here, I may as well find out. Score Mister Brock a nice woman if he ever escapes back here.

Yeah, Ki will do. Long, brown hair with blonde under pieces. Her black and white one-piece snugged every curve, I noticed when I got a better look at her now that she doesn't have a kid clinging to her.

"Sure. Have fun with Aunt Jillian," She winked, tickling what must be her kid before walking down the hallway where she got the photo from.

There was a flight of stairs at the end of it, and I followed Ki slowly, watching her closely.

Her hips swayed slightly as she walked, and she came to a stop once we came across a huge display of photos on the wall.

He was married?

This looked like it, at least. From first glance, that's what it looked like.

"Where's my wife?" I asked quietly, noticing all the pictures of Colby and the others, but no female.

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me with hurt.

"This was my wedding," I pointed to the photos, "Where's my wife?"

"What?" Ki's mouth popped open, a mixture of hurt and surprise in her expression.

"I mean," I backpedaled, glancing once more at the photos. Maybe it wasn't a wedding, "I just thought that maybe we'd have pictures together,"

"We do," She insisted, saying nothing more on the subject until she got up the stairs, "You know that,"

Fuck. Colby's married? I got his rings from him, maybe I should have them brought here.

But what's even better is that means I won't have to work as hard to win Ki over.

As far as she knows, I'm Colby.  Once she realizes that she'll never see him again, it'll be too late because she'll be so head over heels for me that she won't miss him.

According to my boss, I was not going to fall in love.

But I'm my boss, so that means I can make exceptions every once and a while.

I won't be falling in love here, she'd be falling in love with me.

If I'm judging her mannerisms correctly, she doesn't seem very in love with me - I mean Colby.

What a weird adjustment.

These people are so stupid, it's a shame. I do happen to look very similar to Colby, but even after pointing out that my nose was different they still think I'm him.

Ki opened the door to one of the rooms, which this means that I'll probably be sleeping here.

In the same bed as her. I thought to myself, eyeing Ki's body once more.

"Shut up," I scolded myself, causing Ki to shoot me a look of annoyance.

"All I said was that I was going to take a shower," She glared at me, "Why do you have to be so rude?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud," I apologized, trying my best to appear sincere.

I couldn't tell if she was more infuriated that I apologized or said anything to begin with, but it must have been a mixture of both.

"What is your fucking problem lately, Colby?" She asked, her hands perched on her hips.

"What do you mean?" I asked, baffled, "I'm fine,"

"The fuck you are," She scoffed, "You've been nothing but an inconsiderate piece of shit and I'm sick of it,"

"Watch your fucking mouth," I barked, pointing at her, "What I say goes around here, and if you don't like that then you can get the hell out of my room,"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" She let out a sinister laugh, "You can talk to the people at the office however you want, but don't you dare try that shit on me, Cole Brock,"

She shoved passed me, leaving me alone in the room as I asked.

Ki slammed the door shut, my walking opportunity to get laid tonight was gone just like that.

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