Part 45 - Unlikely move

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You and Springtrap continue to walk cautiously along the side of the road.

Your phone starts to vibrate.

Who is it now-

ST: It can take calls, apparently?

Y: I said it couldn't "make" calls, Springy-

You check to see who was on the other end only to see Nex's number.

N-Nex?? But he's-

You answer the call only to be met by choppyness of sound.

???: (Y/-! We're co-!

Y: H-Hello-?

ST: Who is it now?

Springtrap takes the phone and puts it up to his ear.

ST: I am not in the mood for this.

He says with an agitated look before suddenly changing to surprise.

Y: Springy-?

Springtrap grabs your hand and runs off with you.

Y: S-Springy-!!

You try to run as fast as he could, but your speed was no match for him. You reach a couple of feet in a short amount of time.

Y: Just hold on a second-!!


You try to press your feet into the ground to slow you both down.


Y: Tell me what's going on-


Y: Who's co-

But before you could finish, you heard police sirens catching up behind you.


You and Springtrap continue to run a good distance, but the sirens get louder.

Y: We're dead-

After another hundred feet, a van comes up opposite from your direction.

It honks its horn before rolling down the window to reveal Nex and the gang inside.

Y: Nex-?


N: You two! Inside!

The van's side doors open up to let you both inside. Springtrap helps you step into the van.

N: Let's go, Springtrap!

Springtrap pauses and looks at the direction of the sirens.

Y: Don't you try anyth-

But before you could finish, Springtrap closes the side door and continues to run away from the sirens.

Springtrap x Reader "Not the first time"Where stories live. Discover now