Mr. Rude

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The whole canteen was now in pin drop silence.

Karan and Meher both were looking towards eachother with a questioning look.

"VADA PAVAS & COFFEE, LIKE SERIOUSLY. HOW IRRESPONSIBLE THE STAFF OF THIS HOSPITAL CAN BE!" The man who's identity was still a mystery to both friends yelled at them

The whole canteen was looking at the scene unfolding. Everyone was getting curious to know what was the matter.

"VIHAAN! What are you doing man? Calm down. Sticking their heads from each side both friends look behind the brooding man. Another army guy came into their sight who was sprinting towards where all three were standing.

"Vihaan yaar you cannot keep yelling at every staff here you see." The other guy said while standing beside Vihaan. Looking forward he said 'sorry' to both doctors.

Looking more angry than before Vihaan exclaimed "What the hell are you talking about? And what are even saying sorry for. The hospital is full of patients and here the doctors are enjoying vada pavs and coffee."

Vihaan was eyeing both the friends with full of rage "Don't know why we even admitted our guys to this bloody hospital. Should have gone to other hospital where doctors are more mature & sincere towards their work."

Not able to take it anymore, Meher spoke up "May we know who are you and what issue you are facing sir?"

Eyeing Meher from up and down Vihaan answered "You don't need to know who I'm instead you should focus on your work like treating people. But here you are filling your stomach with food rather than fulfilling your responsibility. How responsible of you, no?"

Meher even though was fuming with anger inside but still composed herself and said "I understand sir that you are concerned for your team mates and other patients, but that does not gives you right to disrespect the workers here. We all have been working-"

"Working. Working like seriously!? I have been trying to get an update from your staff members regarding my team mates' condition for so long but there has been no one to help me out. All doctors I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL THEY HAVE BEEN, THE RECEPTION DESK IS EMPTY AND YOU ARE SAYING THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING SINCE MORNING. ARE TRYING TO BE FUNNY!?" Vihaan ranted out angrily.

"Sir we are apologize for the inconvenience caused. Just give us some time to get in touch with other doctors that are treating your team members and we will update you accordingly." This time Karan spoke up

A large crowd was formed where the four people were standing and have started passing the comments too.
Some people also started passing out rude comments for the hospital staffs. The whole canteen was a mess right now.

The whole group of friends as well the staffs that were present their from start, tried to make things in control as much as possible but all their efforts were going in vain.

"ENOUGH!" Suddenly whole cafeteria went silent. People were making way for the owner of the voice.

Dr. Sanjeev Srivastav, Head of Neurological department coming closer to where the four were standing. He is basically like a coconut. Seems like a tuff one from outside, but a big soft teddy bear from inside. Loves to make his students do assignments that will challenge their brains, but knows well enough that most of the students are sincere towards their studies and ends up giving most of the answers himself. Every person irrespective of his or her department, age, gender, or role comes to him for advice even if it is something personal. One thing is for sure that he won't tolerate any of his hospital members being disrespected for unnecessary reasons.

"What is going on here? Hope you didn't forget this is a hospital and not a fish market." That line made Karan chuckle a little which he covered it with cough and covering his mouth with his hand.

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