A Step Forward

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After the Sunday brunch, the days flew by. Everyone got busy with their day to day activities. And as the days went by Meher's and Karan's punishment finally came to an end and they were back on their duty and attending the patients.

Vihaan & Dhruv had to stay back for couple of days more as some of the team members were still admitted to the hospital and getting treated and as ordered by their senior they will not be able to join their regiments till every member gets out of the hospital.

"Are you on duty this Saturday night?" Karan asked Zeeshaan to which get a 'No' as an answer.

"Why are you asking?" Zeeshaan asked taking a bite from his lunch

Dhruv, Karan, Vihaan & Zeeshaan were sitting in the cafeteria having their lunch. After that brunch the group of four grew to being a group of six. Meher & Preet were on their way as they had fill up their patients' record file

Dhruv, Vihaan & Karan have gotten quite close in the past days. While Zeeshaan quite not like Vihaan for some reason but he still tries to talk to Vihaan in a civil as possible.

"What about you two?" Karan directed the question towards Dhruv & Vihaan

"Nothing to do this Saturday as we both were in the hospital last whole week. So we got a camp off this Saturday & Sunday." Vihaan replied for both him and Dhruv

"Perfeeecctttt! What I wanted to hear."

"What you wanted hear that got you so excited?" All boys head turned towards Preet voice. Meher was right behind her looking down to her phone

Preet sat beside Zeeshaan & as there was only one seat left beside Vihaan, Meher situated herself beside him.

"Hi!" Both Meher & Vihaan said simultaneously

Both Meher & Vihaan were in quite great terms after their Sunday brunch conversation. And by great means, talking to eacthother more often while they cross their path while walking in the corridors and having lunch or dinner with eachother when no one is available. Oh and not to forget they even exchanged their numbers with eachother and texted here and there whenever they got free from their duties.

"What got you so excited?" Meher asked Karan

"Oh I was thinking of going to that club that I wanted to go to for so long. But the few months have been soo hectic, which didn't left a chance to go there. And as we grown from a group of four to six that will increase the fun even more now." Karan said excitedly eyeing each one of them

"No I won't go." Meher said immediately

Everyone turned their attention towards her. "But whyyyyyyyy?" Karan whined

"You know na how I feel about the clubs n all. The idea of going to the clubs doesn't sit well with me." Meher answered.

"Oohhh yes after that incident Meher doesn't even like the idea of going to the clubs anymore."

"What incident?" Vihaan asked being actually curious

"Last year we all went to a famous club for New year's eve. Everyone was having fun and dancing. Then achanak se pta nhi two-three boys started over mingling with Meher & me. At first we tried to ignore them but they were so dense that they were not taking those hints and kept on trying to talk to Meher and me. We concluded that they won't back off so we tried to get of the dance floor and moving towards where Karan & Zeeshaan were sitting. But as we tried to do that, that freaking boys started coming closer to us and even held Meher's hand. We both got irritated and started telling them to back off, but none of that worked out." Preet narrated the whole new year scene to Vihaan & Dhruv

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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