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Imagine being called homophobic just because you don't accept the ship "henry x william"

I was called a "Straight homophobic karen" (I am bi oriented aero ace)

first this bro tried to argue with me that "william x mrs.afton" is toxic as well, but you can't really say that because she doesn't exsist she has multiple deaths and some wouldn't even link to william.

But since henry exsists, facts prove that henry and william hade an extremly unstable relationship as friends. Honestly this should tell some people that if they are incapable of being friends, it would be impossible to be lovers.

And furthermore, william killed henry's daughter, and planted sucidal thoughts into his mindframe. Henry also burnt william to death many times. 

plus henry is married and william is said to have a wife.

if they had a relationship they would both be cheating on their wives.

This bro then trys to reason that they can ship whatever they want as long as its not toxic, and that william as mrs.afton is toxic af

I proceeded to tell them that william and henry both killed eachother's lives and future. ruining their friendship entirely

william x mrs.afton can be toxic, but it can also not be. It all depends on the creator since she doesn't exsist.

which means people can make their relationship however they want.

and all the content I see of william x henry has to do with something inappropriate. this killed my respect for the ship entirely, because whomever makes this type of content is using gacha in the wrong way.

Soon after some kid will watch that and decide thats what "love" is.

Also people in the 80s viewed Lgbtq people as inhuman or disgusting. there were not many of them. Since william is born even before the 80s, he is homophobic towards gay people. same with henry. 

William's personality is too stubborn to revert to the 202# era, hence he still doesn't use a phone or laptop, and hasn't changed his clothes to a more modern attire. William and henry are comfortable with their 1980s theme. 

(This rant is directed to the bitch that called me homophobic for not liking one gay ship)

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