2018 base plot but with my au ( first meeting) part 1

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Ding Dong Ding dong 

"I'm coming, keep your hair on"

The ginger haired woman swung her heavily abused door open. Only to see her dear sweet friend ####.

"Heeeey girlfriend!" the blondie launched at the ginger in a hug almost knocking both of them down.

"if you mind, I believe i'd like to not be smashed into the ground. I'd rather be in one piece, mate" she said pushing ### away from her.

"alright, ren. But! Did you here about this new bar in townsquare?! All of the gals said there were some super hot boys there! So. WE SHOULD GO THERE" #### was jumping up and down in excitement and anticipation.

"But I'm not even dressed properly" Lauren gestured to her green satin robe and hair in rollers. 

Her friend looked her up and down then pulled out a satin maroon dinner gown.

"Good thing. I came prepared!" She brought out a black case that would fold into different sections, holding makeup products and hair accesories. 


"And the finishing touch! A shade of velvet red coloured lipstick!" #### had already changed into her gown and was now appling the finishing touches to her bestfriend. 

"O. M. G!!! Ren you look so beautiful!!!" 

Lauren twirled around infront of a nearby mirror admiring her rose colored dress that slits near her thighs. 

"Oh my. I don't even reconize myself." she said in awe


At the bar

Lauren had split up with #### because #### was asked out for a dance by Fredbear's Family diner owner Henry Emily. 

"Excuse me ma'm but is this seat taken?" A tall man with dark brown hair, pale light blue eyes and he was wearing a navy blue suit approached her.

"No, not at all, please do sit." She patted the seat next to her gesturing for him to sit. 

"You been to this place before?" he asked

"No, this is actually my first time. What about you?"

"I've been here many times, some with Henry and others are just because of stress" He stirred his drink with the straw. 

"Oh, so you two know each other?" she cocked her head like a confused puppy. 

"Yes, We're business partners" he sighed

they both had a moment of silence and looked each other in their eyes. 


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