Can ya'll elaborate?

8 1 19

ok, so Iv'e seen alot of mrs.aftons.

this came to my mind. Everytime mrs.afton is abusive or not a good parent she's an alcholoic or a smoker, but in some videos even the tiniest drop of alcohol makes her a "bad parent"

I don't understand this. My mother drinks beer but she's a great parent, so just that you drink alchohol or buy stuff and come out with mass amounts of shopping bags doesn't mean their a bad person.

I'm only saying this because I noticed most people make absuive mrs.afton's have large shopping bags wherever they go, makeup (makeups not bad, my mom wears it), a bottle of alcohol, a cigarette, and black clothing.

Large shopping bags could only elaborate to buying stuff to prepare or a shopping spree, but this doesn't mean she's a gold digger.

Makeup is used to make people look beautiful in their image. It doesn't mean she has an obsession with her looks

Alcohol can just be a drink that people like, but not obssesed with it. 

A cigarette can be used for one time things just for stress, or she found it on the ground and throwing it away

and black clothing means that they like the style or they went to a funeral.

as I see it all of these items are not bad when used right, these items don't make up the person. Its how to person will use these items. 

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