Jill, Nuke'em

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After the broadcast, Jill came out of the building smoking a cigarette, and saw Free French troops shooting several civilians who didn't want to cooperate, aka defected to OFN

Jill: You got what you deserve, you lazy swine

Napoléon: Hey, how it's going?

Jill: Well, everything is okay. You name is Louis Napoléon, right? I mean, your original name is Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie, right? You are the Head of House of Bonaparte, your ancestor is Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest Emperor of France and good strategist during the Napoleonic War

Napoléon: Ummm... yes... is it

Peers: Calling from United States for you

Jill: *takes the satellite phone and answering the call* Hello?

Johnson: <<Hello? This is Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, can anyone hear me?>>

Jill: Why would someone like the Vice President of America call me?

Johnson: <<I am the head of the United States Congress, we while the Congress has approved the use of nuclear weapons, President Kennedy has given permission for the use of these weapons>>

Jill: Great, why didn't the President just order the nukes to be fired?

Johnson: <<In that case, we need people who know anything about the Galia Empire, so what is the most populous city in your country of origin?>>

Jill: I know two: Nanlès and Choluçon. These two cities are the most populous cities that I know, each city has a population of 3-6 million people

Johnson: <<I knew it>>

Jill: Huh?

Johnson: <<I sent CIA SOG troops to evacuate the Normas out of the city, and now the evacuation is continuing>>

Jill: How many time they had?

Johnson: <<About 15 minutes>>

Jill: We don't have time, we need to make sure the forces around the capital is loosen because the psychical effect of the nuclear weapons!

Johnson: <<It can't be, there are still a lot of Normas there>>

Jill: Damnit! Alright! I waiting! *hung up the satellite phone*

Peers: How are the results?

Jill: There's still a lot of Norma to evacuate, and I can't give the order to fire a nuke because of this!

Peers: Oh, I see? Operation Greenlight has been implemented

Jill: What?

Napoléon: Operation Greenlight? What the hell is that?

Gossot: You better told us from the start!

Peers: Operation Greenlight was a top secret plan that using nuclear weapons to targeting every major World of Mana country's important city as an ultimate endgame to a Mana society. The operation was authorized by President Kennedy

Napoléon: What?

Jill: What is Mr President thinking right now?

Gossot: That... was that planned a few days ago?!

Peers: Yes. It was been planned. For this case is only the first phase, with the use of nuclear weapons for the first time in this world, we can give a psychological effect to everyone in this world. So that the more people die, the more people beg for their lives

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