The Soldier and a Maid

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Several days later, Arzenal, Nighttime

The supply dropship from the Norma Management Board arrived and all aspects regarding OFN and GEACPS were hidden as if they were never here. Several items were unloaded from the dropship with General Emma Bronson being called to deal with this. Emma changed her British general's uniform into her old service uniform. Emma was not alone, there was Jasmine and her dog, Vulcan, who were in the dropship looking at the existing supplies.

Emma: Food, four. Clothes, one. Medical supplies, one. Repairs materials, three.

Jasmine: Please bring the containers with the bras down to my place.

But what Jasmine didn't realize was, someone was sneaking out of the dropship very alertly. Meanwhile, Emma is still focused on her task.

Emma: Receipt confirmed. Good work.

NMB Officer 3# (F): <<See you again, soon.>>

Then not long after, the dropship left there, but after all that, Emma changed her service clothes to British military service clothes, which she had just done, an explosion occurred in the air.


Emma turned and saw the American Sea Sparrow missile system destroying the supply dropship, but she didn't pay attention because this had happened often, where the OFN wanted to erase all existing eyewitnesses.

Emma: Just another day in the office. *lit some cigarretes*


In GEACPS Room, General Sumio's Office

A Sergeant First Class from the IJA named Minato Hijikata was with General Mirai Sumio because coincidentally, Minato was transferred to this place as part of additional security.

Sumio: If I look around... your performance is very good in the security department. Is that true, Sergeant Minato?

(Sergeant First Class Minato Hijikata, no photo, use your imagination)

Minato: Yes, General. I was transferred here because you needed me too, right?

Sumio: You have a point, kid. Come on, let's celebrate a little first *offers him sake*

Minato: Oh, no sir, I don't drink alcohol.

Sumio: Oh? Too bad--

Then the security alarm went off and they were both shocked by what had happened.

Sumio: What is this?!

Announcer: <<Attention, all units. There is an intruder in the Arzenal dock. Target has escaped onto the upper deck. All units in the vicinity, provide backup immediately. I repeat..>>

Sumio: Let's go after the intruder!

However, when he wanted to face Minato, apparently the young sergeant had immediately left General Sumio's presence.

Sumio: He responded really quickly...


Meanwhile at the upper deck

Arzenal Guard 7#: She's over there!!

Mexican Soldier 5#: Deja de correr [Stop running] or cry!

Venezuelan Soldier 5#: ¡¿Quieres morir?! [You want to die?!]

Arzenal Guard 33#: Get her!

The woman at the beginning of the scene turns out to be none other than Momoka, Angelise's personal maid before Ange was discovered as Norma. One of the guards tries to knock Momoka out with a baton, but is blown away because Momoka activates her Mana shield.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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