chapter 11: Saints preserve us!

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It was a rainy day in the city of Caerleon, which for these lands, was not an unusual occurrence at all. There were not many people on the streets, and the few cloaked figures going from building to building hurried on their way to get out of the downpour. To someone who was not from this rebuilt Roman community, it would seem to be a dour and mournful place. But most of the inhabitants of the city bore the island's foul weather will the same cheerfulness they dealt with all of the other woes and sorrows of their age.

It was upon this dreary day, that the warrior Kai looked out into this foul weather.

"Ugh another wet and soggy day on the isle of Britannia." Ambrosius's majordomo sighed. "Just once I wish we would have a day that would lift everyone's spirits, instead of a day that further wears us down." Kai shook his head. "Even Ambrosius is extremely depressed, and I have absolutely no idea our to cheer my lord up."

Like most of the Cataphracts in the Pendragon legion, Kai lived in quarters made from the former legionnaire's barracks. As the manager of all of Ambrosius Aurlianis's lands, resources, holdings, and men, The somewhat vain braggart saw it as his job to keep everyone in the Pendragon legion's spirits up. Closing the window and heading back towards his bed, Kai slipped on his hat, cloak, and hood to head out into the torrent of water.

Walking out into the rain, Kai quickly made his way across the old fort's courtyard,pulling his hood down as he ran towards the Praetorium. As he neared the large building's entrance, Kai could have sworn he saw four hooded and robed figures being guided through the Potra Decumana doors of the fortress. Even as they trudged through the pouring rain, Kai noticed they appeared to be men of the cloth, heading for the same building that was his destination. Curious, he approached the quartet of travelers.

"Hello there, strangers, welcome to Caerleon." Kai bowed to them politely. "I am Kai, majordomo to the honorable Duke Ambrosius. What brings you to our fair city, my friends?"

"Greetings, noble warrior. We are holy men of the blessed church, come to speak to your Duke Ambrosius." One of the holy men spoke. "We have been granted a vision by our lord, and we wish to warn him of dangers to come."

Kai was about to be guide them into the chapel to meet Ambrosius, when a mischievous thought crossed his mind. Turning back to the four holy men, her replied;

"But of course, he is currently attending mass inside this building." Kai pointed towards the Praetoreum, which the Pendragons had converted into the community's church. "Why don't we go inside, and wait in the back until the service is over? I will gladly introduce you to him."

"Very well, Warrior Kai." Another of the holy me agreed. "We shall join you, until the mass's end."

The five of them sat at the back of the large chapel, while Ambrosius sat near the front pew. After the service was over, Kai approached Ambrosius as he was coming out of the church. Greeting his lord, Kai grinned as he carried out the evil prank brewing in his mind.

"My lord, we have four strangers visiting our city, and I think they mean to cause trouble." Kai lied. "They are pretending to be men of the church, and I believe they are changelings from the other world."

"Thank you, old friend." Pulling himself up, Ambrosius stormed over to the four hooded men, shouting angrily. "All right, your four. Who are you, and why have you come to my City?"

"Greetings, Riothamus Ambrosius Aurlianis, also called King Arthur." One of the holy men muttered, so only Arthur could hear. "Please lower your voice, so we can speak of important matters

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