Chapter Fourteen: All hail the king!

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Following the titanic battle with the dragon, the people of Viraconium and the Pendgraon warriors were busy cleaning up the mess, and putting out the fires. Gwen and her Archeresses gave water and medical aid to the Warriors who were injured, as the cataphracts moved to clear away the rubble to find fortunate survivors who hadn't evacuated. Still, a remarkable portion of the city had survived the destruction, and it would not be long before, under Owain Danwyn's leadership, Viraconium would rise from the ashes once again.

Owain, meanwhile, was standing on a nearby hill with both Riothamus, and the red dragon. He handed both Arthur's mask and armor back to the Dux Bellorum, smiling over what they had just accomplished.

"That was a brilliant idea of yours, Riothamus. Switching armors like that, and having me play the part of 'King Arthur'." Owain congratulated him. "You and Driag Goch really saved the day against that foul monster."

"Ah, but you were Arthur in that moment, my dear Owain. You were just as skilled at leading my warriors as I." Riothamus chuckled, as he handed Owain's armor and helmet back to him. "And it was the red dragon who truly won us this day. Without his aid, all of Britannia would have been doomed."

"You undervalue your own contribution, Riothamus was you who freed me from my rocky tomb to aid you, and it was you who struck the killing blow." The dragon growled, conveying his meaning to the two humans through magic. "It is due to your heroic aid that I now make a pact with the people of Britannia, that I will serve as a symbol of their nation forevermore, and they shall look to my image as a rallying point when there courage falters."

"You can talk?!" Riothamus yelled in shock, as both he and and Owain were surprised by the dragon's speaking. Then the Dux Bellorum shook his head, realizing how foolish he was being. "Wait, you're a creature of the otherworld. Of course you can talk.

"Indeed. And I am speaking to you now, to tell you that it is time for you to fufil the destiny that fate hasset out before you." The dragon rumbled again. "It is time for you to take your place as high king of Britannia, to lead the inhabitants of this island with mercy, wisdom, and justice."

"High king?! Mighty dragon, I'm merely a war leader!" Riothamus protested. "I don't think I'm worthy of that kind of power... or that I'm capable of living up to that level of responsibility."

"Your humility is what makes you a worthy candidate to rule the mortals of this island, Riothamus." Draig Goch explained. "It means you will not abuse the power that is given to you, and serve your people instead of yourself."

"Mighty dragon, I am personally all for Riothamus here becoming high king, but I am not so sure if the British nobles would accept him." Owain interjected. "What about King Natenleaod, who was already elected king?"

"Do not worry, I will convince Natenleod that he is not yet ready for the high kingship." The dragon almost seemed to grin. "And I believe the council of nobles, will readily accept my advice on who should rule these islands."

"If you believe I am ready to take this responsibility, I shall do my best to rule justly." Riothamus replied humbly. "But, great dragon, are you certain this is my path?"

"Take heart, noble Riothamus, for of all the human I have so far met, your actions have shown me you have the most noble heart." The dragon stood up, flexing his wings. "I make you king, for I believe that you are one day destined to save all of Britannia from evil."

After telling Riothamus and Owain all of these things, the dragon, spread his wings, and took to the skies once more. It was later said Draig Wen then went before the great council, and made a few more appearances, before returning to the otherworld, never to be seen by the eyes of mortals again.

The two men were left on the ground, still trying to absorb all that had just transpired. After several moments of silence, Riothamus finally spoke up.

"Well, looks like I'm going to be too busy as high king to play 'Arthur' anymore." The dux bellorum joked. "How would you like to take over as the legendary king?"

"Tempting, but I think I'd prefer to be a cataphract at your court, instead. At least, once I help the people of Viraconium to rebuild." He slipped his armor back on. "I think you will find a way to play both of the roles in your life."

The two warriors laughed, as they slowly made their way back to the city together.


It wasn't long before Rioathamus and the Pendragon warriors had helped out the people of Viraconium, and then return to a hero's welcome at Caerleon. As the red dragon predicted, the chiefs of Britiannia soon selected him as the new high king of the island. Their was a great celebration at Riothamus's coronation. At this celebration, all of Riothamus's friends and allies; Nimue, Kai, Bedwyr, Gwalchmai, Edyrful, and even Olsa Big-Knife cheered their Dux Bellorum-turned- king's success. They all agreed 'King Arthur' had come along way from a young boy living at a villa on Tintagel.

The events of the first three years of 'King Arthur's' reign, and and amazing as these adventures were, paled in comparison to the adventures that lie ahead. In the years to come, King Arthur would battle Rhitta Gwyar, the terrible giant who lived on the mountains of Eryri (Snowdonia), and wove the beards of the island's kings he killed into a cloak. Arthur and his horse Llamrei would face the terrible Addnac Afanc, a lake creature that tried to drag them beneath the waves. Owain would become a Pendragon Warrior, befriending an otherwordly lion, and fighting an faerie warrior that guarded a Roman fountain in Carisle. And Gwenhwyfar was abducted by the faerie lord Melwas, who took her back to his otherworld palace beneath Ynys Wydryn (Glastonbury Tor), and there was a quest to rescue her.

There were also new arrivals at the court of Riothamus; The years to come would see the arrival of Myrddin Lailoken Wyllt, seer and alchemist who would become Riothamus's chief advisor, along with Eliwlad, his otherworld talking there was the exiled Babylonian satrap Esclabor, who took refuge in Caerleon with his noble son, who became the Pendragon warrior Palamedes. And a pair of royal lovers also took refuge at Caerleon; Drystan, the loner survivor of the sunken kingdom of Cantre'r Gwaelod (Lyonesse), and Esyllt, the exiled daughter of an Irish chieftain. The future would even bring the great romance and wedding of Riothamus and Gwenhwyfar, as well as the hunt for a holy chalice, that would become the greatest legend of them all.

But all these events are ahead in the future, and are tales for another time. For now, I bring a close of the first book of king, and this end of the first great tale of a great hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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