Chapter thirteen: Dueling Dragons!

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From the words- and harp- of the bard Taliesin

Hear now, noble listener! Listen to my tale of how the red dragon, overcame the white. How two great leaders of men and their warriors saved a city from a terrible monster, and the epic battle that led to the Britons receiving the red wyrm as the symbol on their banners. This is the tale of the great event that eventually led to the fulfillment of the seer Mryddin's prophecy of the fall of the dragon Draig Wen. The is a battle that shook the lands stretching all the way from the Eryri mountains in the north (Called Snowdon by the Saxons) to the Môr Hafren (Bristol Channel) far to the south. I will now tell you of this this epic adventure.

In the Shropshire hills far to the south, the terrible white dragon had made a den for itself in the tunnels of Cayton Cave. Collecting all of the gold and jewels he had stolen into a massive hoard, the beast had slipped into a long slumber on it's newfound bed of gold. It had been thus been sleeping for several weeks, when the wyrm sensed the arrival of the son of Ambrosius at the city of Viraconium. Supernaturally following the scent back towards the city, the great best extended it's large, bat-like wings, and soared over the countryside. Men, women and children on the ground ran indoors as the massive dark shadow passed overhead, and a fell wind seemed on the air as the giant dragon sweeping down towards Viraconium.

The watch on the city wall saw the great monster appear on the horizon, at first appearing as far away as little more than a gull that had gotten lost over land. But as the pale shape grew larger and larger as it drew closer, the guards scrambled to quickly warn the city. The bells in the church towers rang out a warning, causing the people of the city to flee into the underground tunnels the Romans had built for storage. The Pendragon Warriors and and the town's defenders took positions on the rooftops and the city walls, readying their weapons for the wyrm's arrival. Then the masked figure of King Arthur himself appeared in the center of the warriors, shouting orders and directing their preparations against the beast. If any present noticed that Arthur seemed a little taller than before, or that his voice sounded different, none of them voiced it aloud.

It happened so quickly, the white dragon swooped down upon the city, ready to burn it's buildings to ash. But before the terrible beast could draw back it's flaming breath, Viraconium's defenders unleashed a torrent of spears and arrows onto the unsuspecting wyrm. While a dragon's scaly hide was usually too hard for any mortal's handheld weapon to penetrate, the Pendraon's had tipped their arrows and spears with iron, ripping into the otherworld creature's skin, and burning him painfully. Howling in agony, Draig Wen spewed forth a great belch of fire down onto the the city, setting the houses ablaze, and melting the stone of the Roman ruins to slag. The warriors fled from the rooftops and buildings, as a river of melted molten stone flowed down the city's streets like a boiling river.

But the Pendragon warriors and city guards fought back, unleashing attacks from the Roman ballistas and catapults unleashed heavy blocks of stone and massive bolts at the dragon, smashing into the beast, and wounding him terribly. These wounds brought the beast to the ground, and the Cataphrats charged Draig Wen, leaping from their horses onto the wyrm, and slashing and stabbing all over it's body. King Arthur even jumped at the beast from the walls, stabbing away with a sword that mysteriously wasn't Caliburn. The dragon howled in agony from it's bleeding wounds, before getting a last burst of strength, and shaking off the annoying insects wounding every part of it's body. Beaten and bleeding, the wounded dragon flapped it's wings, trying to ascend into the air, and escape.

But that escape never came, as the red dragon came soaring in from the west. Draig Goch slammed into his ancient enemy, digging his claws deep into the white dragon's flesh. Surprised again, the white dragon recoiled, pulling away from his attacker, only to be hit by stream of fire at the great white wyrm. Dazed by the fiery blast, Draig Wen, moved to hover in front of his old foe.

"This is not possible! I left you buried beneath the rubble!" The white wyrm roared, speaking in the draconic tounge. "How did you escape from your rocky prison?"

"This brave young man and his warriors came to Dinas Emrys and freed me several days ago, and promised to help me destroy you once and for all." He motioned his head to Riothamus, who was sitting on the red dragon's back wearing Owain Danwyn's armor. "No human has ever aided me before, and now together we shall end your threat to both man and dragon kind!"

"I freed him before coming to this city with the others." Ambrosius chimed in, even though he didn't know what the two dragons were saying to each other. "He was waiting nearby for your arrival, and you flew right into our trap!"

Enraged,the white dragon lunged at Draig Goch and his rider, and the two began an aerial battle against one another. Dives, spins, turns and loops through the sky as the two attacked, making pass after pass at one another. Several times they met in the air, clawing at each other with their talons. And massive steams of fire shot out of both of their mouths, which both moved to swerve and dodge. The battle between the two lit up the skies over Western Britannia. Loud booms of like thunder boomed across the like and flashed of fire lit through the clouds like lightning. The people of these lands thought a great storm was raging in the skies over their heads, totally unaware of the great beasts that were doing battle high above them.

Hanging on for dear life, Riothamus held Caliburn is his free hand, slashing and stabbing at the white dragon every time the wyrm got close. The dux bellorum managed to get several stabs in, further injuring the already weakened dragon. The battle continued to wage far and wide, with the red dragon and Rio slowly driving the white wyrm towards Britannia's western coast. Finally, when Draig Wen came in close for another attack, Riothamus leapt from the red dragon's back, and jumped towards the white dragon's chest. Raising Caliburn high, Riothamus plunged the blade deep into the pale Wyrm's heart. With a final howl of agony, the dying Draig Wen swiftly plunged downwards. Falling like a blazing meteor from the heavens, the white dragon finally crashed into the cool waters of Cardigan bay, thedead beast sinking deep below the waves and vanishing forever.

Riothamus, totally exhausted, closed his eyes as he too plunged towards the blue waters, accepting his fate. It was only the brave actions of the red dragon, who dove down and caught the unconscious hero. And as Draig Goch flew Rio back towards the land, all of Britannia breathed a sigh of relief that another terrible threat to the island and sunk away into the sea of time.

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