Chapter four: Culhwch's Quest

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It as early afternoon, when all of Arthur's warriors had gathered under the great dome of the Round table feasting hall. Seated in the rebuilt wooden bleachers of the former amphitheater. Both the Centurions- the foot soldiers- and the Cataphracts- mounted Calvary- were seated, side-by-side with the archery maidens and shield maidens of the Pendragon warriors. There proud men and women feasted and drank the food and ale set on the raised tables before them, the rich reward for serving both Britannia, and their great lord. On the amphitheater floor sat Arthur and Gwen upon their wooden thrones, gazing at the uncertain Prince Culhwch as he entered the feasting hall.

Looking around at the assembled warriors, Culhwch was thrown off by the sense of... egalitarianism that seemed to pervade Duke Ambrosius's court. While he was refreshing himself in the Roman baths, one of the Cataphracts had told him he had started his career as a pig-slopper, but had worked his way up to a mounted soldier through his own talent and merit. The prince had heard Ambrosius didn't have a proper sense of the distinction between master and servant, and now he could see this first hand.

Staring ahead at the masked and armored figure of Arthur, Culhwch was impressed with the aura of mystery that surrounded the mysterious battle lord. He was said to be Duke Ambrosius's greatest general. Athur was the commander of the duke's military forces, but nobody knew who he was, or where he had come from. There were many rumors surrounding the legendary hero. The prince had hoped to stand before Ambrosius himself when he arrived here, but the Great Lord was nowhere to be found. Still, talking to Arthur and Lady Gwen, his second-in-command, gave Culwhich the chance to present his plea to Arthur and his warriors. Taking a breath, he raised his head to address the assemblage.

"Honorable Pendragon warriors... noble cousin... " The prince spoke, addressing Arthur as a kinsman to emphasize his point, even though they weren't related. "... I have come to all of you, to ask for your aid, in a most dire situation. I need your help in a most perilous quest."

"Honorable Prince Culhwch, you are most welcome here to Caerleon." Arthur inclined his head, greeting their guest. "Please, let us know what it is we can do to assist you."

"Noble warriors, I... Culhwch of Ergyng, seek your aid in rescuing the maiden I love from a dire fate." The prince began, looking around at the assembly. "Some time ago, my father remarried a widowed queen from a neighboring kingdom. My new stepmother had a daughter, who is a beautiful maiden, and tried to arrange a marriage between her daughter and myself." Culhwch shook his head. "I protested that I was unworthy of her daughter, but she was so angered by my refusal, that she cursed me to marry a giant's daughter."

"Och, cursed by his stepmam!" Edyrful, who was sitting the bleachers, whispered to her brother. "So sad... stepmothers can be that way. I feel sorry the lad."

"After my stepmother had cursed me, her words made me curious. So, wanting to see the daughter of a giant, I sought out one of the ancient stone circles in our kingdom. After much searching, I discovered a portal to the otherworld in the very heart of the circle."

"Not surprising." Menw chimed in, standing next to Ambrosius's Throne. "Most of the ancient stone tombs, temples and monuments on this island were built over the stone circles."

"Yes, and so I traveled through that portal... and found myself in a world beyond description." Culhwch's eyes went wide in wonderment, as he recalled what he had seen. "The otherworld is a magical place... the colors, the beauty, creatures, and plants beyond description. I don't know how long I wandered around in a daze, eating what fruit I could find, and sleeping under the giant trees. But then I came upon a small pond... and it was there, I first saw... her..."

The Mask of King Arthur, Book I: Haern CleddyfWhere stories live. Discover now