Rend - to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence (#3)

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 Y/N's pov:

You wake up in a pitch-black room, seemingly at peace, more than you've been in years.

Where the fuck am I?

And quite literally, a girl that looked about in her early twenties appeared, "Greetings." The girl said. But before she could continue, I may or may not have asked, "Where am I?"

"Well, that was quite rude. However, look up and you'll have your answer."

So, I looked up and just saw (in big bolded lettering) GAME OVER

With Would you like to respawn? YES or NO? Warning: You will not be placed in the same world that you were living before.

Fuck it. And with that, I click the YES button, and I hear the girl from before say, "Good luck." And then, I see nothing but black.


Y/N's pov:

I wake up to hearing some kid with black hair with green tips, a green and orange jacket (mostly green), green shorts, green boots, and a yellow backpack with a fishing pole sticking out gripping a railing (on the boat that I don't remember getting on but whatever-) and yelling something that I couldn't understand.

I get up, and I start walking over to the kid, curious as to what he was doing.

Third person pov:

The h/c haired child walks over to the green bean, slightly curious as to why he was yelling. "Excuse me, but why are you yelling? And would you happen to know where we are?" the h/c haired kid asks, to which the green bean replies with a big smile, "Oh! I'm sorry about the yelling, and we just left Whale Island!"

"Oh-" But the h/c haired kid is interrupted by the yelling of two sailors making fun of someone with orange hair, and orange shirt, light brown-ish pants, and blue bandana like thing on his head, struggling to pick up a crate of green apples.

The green bean stands near the nearest railing, starting to go down the stairs, watching the sailors, almost going to intervene, but being interrupted by the captain reprimanding the sailors for 'slacking' or whatever. The orange sailor gets ready to stand up while holding the crate, until the green bean yells, "Wait!"

The orange sailor turns around only to be met with the green bean child with a small smile on his face, and an apple in his hand. The green bean child throws the apple, with the orange sailor thanking him before leaving, quickly getting back to work, with the captain taking a swig of his drink and the green bean child waving; both watching the orange sailor walk away.

Once the orange sailor is mostly out of sight, the green bean child gasps and looks up, birds swarming certain parts of the ship/boat, with the green bean child saying, "There's a storm coming." with the captain saying, "Huh? And how do you know that?" as a reply.

"Sea cranes. That's what all of them are saying."

"What?" the captain replied, looking confused.

"Also..." the green bean child starts, while moving (?) his nose a little bit while sniffing the air. then some-what suddenly the green bean child jumps in the air, slowly climbing higher and higher on the boat/ship, until he finally reached the crow's nest (?) / one of the tallest parts of the ship.

The green bean child lightly grips the railing, while messing with his nose again, his eyes closed, and breathing in deeply; and opening his eyes a second later. The green bean child slightly runs over to the other side of the crow's nest, now gripping a different part of the railing, while leaning slightly over the side, looking at you and the captain now, and yelling, "There's a really big one heading right for us." The green bean child starts, leaving the captain slightly dumbfounded, while continuing, "It's true. I can tell by the way it smells. "

The captain just continues to look up at the green bean child as if he were thinking incredibly hard about something, with the green bean child still (quite literally) looking down on both you and the captain.

The boat sways however, which clearly knocked the captain out of his train of thought, the water of the ocean (?) thrashing, as if it were an untamed beast fighting for its life, the clouds being mostly more of a darker gray, the rain being ice-cold as it fell.

However, inside of the boat wasn't much of a different story.

Inside of the boat, most people were being thrown around like ragdolls, along with some bags and crates, and some smaller belongings, the sounds of both people and objects hitting the walls added onto the amount of sound from the water gave most of the people on-board a major headache, and the constant moving and swaying of the boat giving most people a stomachache and making and making people feel ill.

But if you looked / went to a different part of the boat, the captain and a few others could be seen, seemingly un-fazed by the current storm going on, the captain steering the ship as if it was nothing new, of which it probably wasn't, but that's a story for later.

One sailor opens the door the where the captain is, panicked-looking, and drenched in rain, and what possibly could have been sweat, "The mast won't hold out for much longer. We should lower the sails. " To which the captain replied, "Don't be stupid. We can't quit when the fun is just about to start. " And with that the captain turns back towards the wheel, going back to steering the ship through the rough water, chuckling lightly to himself as the sailor is forced against the wall, very much fazed by the storm happening, gripping a table of sorts in panic.

Again, the captain says, no, more like yells, "Now, take her hard to port." the sailor still looking panicked and gripping the table even harder (if that's even possibly) while the captain steers the ship up a giant wave, while once again yelling, "Let's fly!"


"An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise."

Ging Freeces

Hiii! I'm sorry that Y/N wasn't involved much in this chapter! I figured I could post this shorter chapter and end it here before getting to the part where everyone is introducing themselves and stuff. And I apologize for not having Y/N and 'green bean child' interact much in this chapter! I was honestly just somewhat rushing to get this chapter out since I hadn't posted in days. Thank you for reading! <3

~S4l3m / L3m0n

Tranquility (Hunter x Hunter - x gender-neutral reader!) DISCONTINUED!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ