Misty - filled or abounding with fog or mist {6}

2 0 0

"I wasn't expecting that. Just forget it. You can drop the Mister, part. Just Leorio is fine. I'm sorry too. And I take back everything that I said to you before. That was wrong of me."

"No, It's fine."

Gon just smiles, seeing two out of three of his new friends getting along, as if they weren't about to go at each other's throats a few moments ago. Then the captain exits a different part of the boat while laughing. "You four are growing on me. So...I'll make sure all four of you get safely dropped off at the port closest to the Exam site. How does that sound?" At that, the captain just chuckles.

"You will?" Gon asks, "What about your test?"

"It's like I said, I decide who goes on to take the Exam. Congratulations! You're all moving on."

"All right!" Gon yells, which ends up waking Y/N, who looked very confused on the fact that they were woken up, and in the air? Y/N looks around and notices Kurapika holding them bridal-style. All Y/N says before going back to sleep was a simple, "Sorry...-"


Third Person pov: At Dolle Harbour

As Kurapika and Leorio looked around as Gon and Y/n were talking to the Captain, "Thanks a lot, Captain! That was really fun!" Gon says as he shakes the Captain's hand. y/n just nods along with what Gon had said. The Captain just laughs and says "I've got to admit, I had a pretty good time, myself. Oh, yeah, let me give you guys a little bit of advice as a small token of my appreciation." The Captain says while smoking a cigar. "Advice, sir?" Y/n asks.

"Look. Do you guys see that big cedar tree? The one on top of that hill? You'll wanna make your way there first. It's a shortcut to the exam site."

"A shortcut?" Y/n asks, to which the reply from the Captain was just a nod in confirmation. "Great! So, just head for that tree over there, huh? Thanks for the tip, Captain. You're the best." Gon says. However, as Gon is talking, Y/n spots another person duck behind a barrel nearby, most likely to eavesdrop on the conversation between Gon and the Captain.

"Good luck to ya' both!" The Captain states, to which Y/n had replied with a simple 'thanks', and with Gon saying "Thanks! Have a safe trip! Take care of yourself!" And with that Gon and y/n start running away from the Captain and the boats, along with Kurapika and Leorio.

-- *Short time skip!*

"Hmm, that's odd." Leorio says while the group stares at a map of the area. To which Gon had replied with "What is?" Y/n just said, "I second that. What do you mean, Leorio?" Kurapika and Y/n both turn to face Leorio as he continues, "Well, uhm, uhh, according to this notice I've received, the exam is supposed to be held somewhere in Zaban City, you see? Now, we're here, and that tree is over there," Leorio says while pointing to different parts of the map. "Which is the opposite direction of Zaban City."

"Could you have possibly misheard the Captain?" Kurapika asks Gon. "I don't think so. He told me and y/n that we should go towards the cedar tree up there." Gon states while pointing to the tree icon on the map. "I see." Kurapika says.

"And this stupid notice isn't any help at all! It says that the exam is supposed to be in Zaban City, but it doesn't say where, exactly!" Leorio complains. Kurapika just sighs and says, "So, our task is to be to find the exam site using only the limited information we were given?" Y/n only replies with, This is probably just another test to determine if we happen to be 'worthy' of taking the exam."

y/n's pov:

Alright, alright, alriiight. We can't fuck this up.

"So, our task is to be able to find the exam site using only the limited information we were given?"

Think, think. Don't panic. Think of what happens in the show- "This is probably just another test to determine if we happen to be 'worthy' of taking the exam." Smaaaaart.

Third person pov:

"Yeah!" Leorio yells, "I already knew that, smarty pants! So give it a rest!"

Gon only replies with, "I think I'll check it out for myself. Find out what the Captain was talking about." Leorio response to that did not sound very happy, "Whoa! Whoa! Are you serious? The bus to Zaban City is gonna leave any second! We need to be on the bus when it does end up leaving! Hey!" Leorio yells while Gon just starts walking away.

"Geez." Leorio continues, "The kid's too trusting for his own good. You can't just trust everyone all of the damn time! Kurapika, come back!" Leorio yells as Kurapika walks away in the same direction as Gon.

The only response Leorio got was, "I'm intrigued by the Captain's advice, even more so by Gon's behaviour. I'm curious as to what he will do."

"All right, whatever! See ya! It wasn't long but it was nice knowing ya!" Leorio continues, "Y/N! Are you coming with me, or going with Gon and Kurapika?"

Y/n had a panicked expression on their face while saying, "Sorry, Leorio. I'm actually going to go with Gon and Kurapika on this one-"

Leorio only got ever more angry than he was before and yelled, "Fine! Go then!"

--- *Small time skip!*

"It's just, I knew all you guys would be lonely without me there with you." Leorio says, as the group walks down a long, winding path, slowly having the hill slanting more upwards. "Plus," Leorio continues, "It's just no fun traveling alone! That's why I had figured that I'd stick with you three a little bit longer." Leorio says while laughing.

However, y/n just sticks up their middle finger, having it point behind them, them having most likely noticed the person following somewhat closely behind the group.

----- *Another small time skip! I apologize about how often these have been in this chapter!*

The group eventually makes it to a deserted-looking town, the birds squawking, the sun beating down on the group. It was silent until Leorio started, "Man, this is one hell of a creepy place. There isn't a single soul anywhere here." To which Gon had replied with, "Nope!" Y/n continued for Gon, "There happens to be a bunch of people here."


The group just keeps walking in silence until a set of doors open, with the group only being able to see a few bigger shadows behind the door because of the light. It only gets weirder because some sort of platform on wheels gets rolled out in the path, with there being people surrounding the platform, people on the platform, with an older-lady in the middle of it all. "What's up with these guys?" Leorio asks.

"Exciting." The lady says.

"'Exciting?'" Leorio asks.

"Exciting." The lady says again.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the lady yells, "Time for the exciting multiple-choice quiz!" Succeeding in scaring the shit out of Y/n. And once the lady yells, the people start to play different instruments, it all making a strange song. The group just stands there in silence until the lady continues and says, "Let me take a guess. You boys are headed for the cedar tree on the hill, aren't you? There's only one way to get there. You'll have to pass through this town first." Leaving the group confused.


Heyo! I apologize about how long it has taken me to get this chapter done! I promise you guys, I have been trying to get the chapters out faster and more frequently. I hope you liked all of the chapters I have put out so far!

~S4l3m <3

11:55 PM, 7/12/2022

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