Fervor - ardor or intensity of feeling {8}

4 0 0

*Not proofread and/or edited!*


Y/n just stares at the lady in confusion, along with Kurapika wondering how y/n was somehow randomly brought into the conversation. "And now here is your question. You learn that both your son and your daughter have been kidnapped. You will only be able to rescue one of them. Choose one for your son, and two for your daughter. Which of these two will you rescue? Five... four... "

As the old lady counts down, however, Leorio grabs an oh-so-conveniently placed plank of wood. "... Three... two... one!" Leorio had started taking practice swings with the plank of wood, still looking highly annoyed. "Time is up!"

At that, Leorio jumps up and swings the piece of wood while yelling, at the old lady. However, as Leorio brings down the wood, y/n made the split-second decision to stand in front of the old lady, and take the hit instead, while also forgetting about how Kurapika was supposed to do that instead.

The piece of wood breaks upon impact (?). It ends up taking Leorio a second to register that he had, in fact, not hit the the old lady and instead had hit y/n upside the head.


Third Person pov:

Or so they think. It turns out that y/n had just grabbed the wood and certain shards/pieces had come off instead of the whole thing breaking. Leorio was not happy to say the least. "Get out of the way, Y/n!" Leorio yells, "This old hag needs to be taught a lesson, and I'm gonna make sure she gets it!"

"Would you please just calm down!" yn yells back, to which Leorio just replies with, "How the hell do you expect me to calm down!?" The reply that came afterwards; "We got it right! Do you really want to jeopardize that!?" y/n hisses, venom seemingly lacing their voice. It takes a second for it to hit him, until Leorio stands up straight, still holding the broken piece of wood, looking confused, "We did?"

"We've already given the correct response. Silence. Any other answer would have ended up being incorrect."

"What do you mean by silence?" Leorio confusedly asks. "Just that," Y/n started. "You said it yourself, remember?"


"There's no right answer for that question and never has been!" Leorio yells out of frustration.


"You were right. There was no correct answer to our question. However, we had to say 'one' or 'two' as a response." And with that, Kurapika chimes in, while walking over to the two, seemingly annoyed, and says "And so, our only choice was to respond with silence as our answer." However, Leorio was not satisfied with that answer, as he then yelled "What about that other guy!? He had made it through!"

"She never told him whether he was correct or not." Kurapika says. Y/n nods in agreement before continuing, "All she said was 'you may pass.' Which means that the path he had taken was not the path to the Hunter Exam. Right?" At that, the old lady starts speaking again, "Hmm, that is correct."

The old lady just gets up and out of her spot and walks towards a set of doors that the group hadn't noticed before, "the real path is right over there." After the old lady says that two other people go and open the set of doors, allowing the group to peer into a seemingly pitch-black corridor, with a light at the end in the shape of a doorway, "Follow this path for two hours and you will reach the lone cedar tree on the hill."

"Okay... I was not expecting this." Leorio mumbles. "There is a couple that live in a small cabin under that tree," the old lady starts, "Who will as navigators on your journey. They will guide you to the Exam site, if you live up to their expectations, that is." The old lady just turns her head towards the group as Leorio drops the broken wood plank, grabbing most of the group's attention. "I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me for being rude." Leorio says to the old lady, bowing slightly. "Don't be, I don't mind." was the old lady's response.

"Meeting people like you is the only reason I do this job in the first place." The old lady turns back to Leorio and continues, "Do your best, and become the best Hunter you can be." With that Leorio just smiles slightly and chuckles, "Sure-"

However, a groan cuts Leorio off, the groan having come from the direction Gon was in. The group turns to look at a confused and bothered looking Gon, "I'm stuck. I can't figure out the right answer to the question!" With that, Leorio chuckles again and says, "You've really been thinking of an answer this whole time? You can stop now."

Y/n covers their mouth as they laughs at Gon and Leorio. "Huh, but why?"

Y/n just looks at Gon and says, "Because the quiz is already over, dumbass." Y/n laughs and walks over to Gon and helps him up as Gon says, "I know that.. but what if, you know? Well, what if that really happens to me someday? If two people are in trouble and I can only help one of them? Then what? It wouldn't be right to just pick one over the other. But like it or not, that's a choice that I might have to make someday."

Y/n just hugs Gon and says, "You shouldn't worry about that until the time comes. It's not healthy to worry about that kind of stuff and put yourself under that kind of pressure and stress yourself out. There's no point worrying about that kind of thing until the time comes. Then you decide." Y/n smiles as Kurapika nods in agreement while Leorio just stares at them, looking confused.

"Reality can be very cruel, and it often strikes without warning. You can't be prepared for everything, so don't stress yourself out." Y/n says as they let Gon go from the hug. "Now, are we going to continue, or just stand here?"

The group laughs as Y/n grabs ahold of Gon's wrist and starts running ahead. "Slow down!" Gon yells, as he, too, laughs along with y/n.


Hiii! So, recently I was thinking of turning my incorrect quotes book into a mix of incorrect quotes and oneshots, and I wanted to get your opinion on it! Anygays, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter about as much as I enjoyed writing it!


1,100+ words

11:40 AM


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