Chasm - a yawning hollow, as in the Earth's surface (#7)

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A/N: My cat just scared the shit out of me; he looked like a h!gh ferret (in my defense, i havent slept in two days)


The group just keeps walking in silence until a set of doors open, with the group only being able to see a few bigger shadows behind the door because of the light. It only gets weirder because some sort of platform on wheels gets rolled out in the path, with there being people surrounding the platform, people on the platform, with an older-lady in the middle of it all. "What's up with these guys?" Leorio asks.

"Exciting." The lady says.

"'Exciting?'" Leorio asks.

"Exciting." The lady says again.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the lady yells, "Time for the exciting multiple-choice quiz!" Succeeding in scaring the shit out of M/n. And once the lady yells, the people start to play different instruments, it all making a strange song. The group just stands there in silence until the lady continues and says, "Let me take a guess. You boys are headed for the cedar tree on the hill, aren't you? There's only one way to get there. You'll have to pass through this town first." Leaving the group confused.


Third Person pov:

"You must pass a quiz comprised of a single question." The older lady spoke. Leorio clearly wasn't happy with what the lady had said, because his reply to the whole situation was, "Wait a second, what is going on here!?" Leorio complained until the lady had continued, "You'll have five seconds to answer. If you're correct, then you can move on. If not, you're disqualified from this year's Exam."

"Oh, I see." Kurapika started, "It's another trial we have to pass before taking the Exam." To which Leorio had replied with, "So, that's it, huh? Lucky I'm an expert in quizzes. Wait, one question?" The lady only replied with, "Your answer must be either the number one or two. Any answer that is not the number one or number two will be deemed incorrect."

Once again, Leorio was not happy with what the lady had said, because his reply was, "Hold on! All three of us have to share the same question? So if Kurapika here gets it wrong, it means I get disqualified, too?" Y/n only replied with, "Not very likely. Although, if the roles were reversed, it would be all but inevitable."

"You wanna repeat that?" Leorio seems to get angrier and angrier until Gon replies with, "It's okay! Even if only one of us knows the answer, all three of us get to move on. And I'm real bad at quizzes."


"Fair point."

Y/n's pov:

We keep on talking until the same guy from earlier decides to finally make a fucking appearance and say, "Hey, hey." he starts, looking all smug, "Hurry it up, or I might just decide to answer it before the rest of you get a chance."

Third Person pov:

It was all silent until Leorio had decided to speak up, "So, who the heck are you?" To which Gon replied with, "You don't know?" y/n nods in agreement and says, "He's been following us pretty freakin closely ever since we left the port."


The guy looks at y/n and says, "Yeah, sorry kid." y/n glares at the guy as he continues talking, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but hear you guys talking."

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