Ch 4

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She was stunned when the xeno leapt past her and ripped into a synthetic who had been about to shoot her. She gasped in shock as it embedded it's tail deep into the stomach of the robot and was sprayed with blood as it ripped through all it's internal hardware and sprouted from it's mouth. The xeno quickly pulled it's tail out allowing it's insides to fall out of the gaping hole it now had in it's stomach and slap onto the ground.

When she realized that he had just saved her she smiled at him and nodded her thanks to the praetorian. Zaryx couldn't understand why he had just defended her.......he hated humans yet when he saw the strange creature which wore the disguise of a human yet clearly was not threaten her he saw red and acted on instinct to defend the woman.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he began thinking of ways to save his queen who had been screaming in his mind since he was freed. He sent an acknowledgment to her through the hive mind stopping her screeches and calming the other Xenos. He and Ralnir waited for the woman to open the door before exploding into action a whirlwind of bladed tails claws and teeth.

After several moments the two aliens stood in a pile of limbs, both human and synthetic. When there wasn't a single enemy left Ralnir hissed to the woman who was watching from the door. She walked out and chuckled "ugh you guys are so messy your lucky I'm not making you clean up after yourself"

The two aliens let out a low rumble which she guessed was laughter. Finally the trio began walking down the hallway. After several moments they came to the large glass window of the control room. She motioned for the Xenos to wait before speaking "okay I'm going to convince them to open the door, you two get in position and as soon as the doors part I want you to attack"

The two aliens hissed in affirmative and took their positions Ralnir crouching next to it and Zaryx crawling on the wall to hang above it. When they where ready she began to run towards the door screaming" oh god the Xenos are out, open the door, hurry up. Open the damn door their coming. Please god open the door"

Finally when the doors parted the occupants of the control room where surprised when instead of the terrified woman they saw her standing there calmly with a cruel smile on her face. She made a hand motion and the last thing most of them saw was a pair of black blurs burst through the doorway and a flash of claws and a bladed tail as it ripped through their flesh spilling their blood onto the floor.

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