Authors note

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long I was unable to because my internet was canceled but now that I have finally gotten my internet back I will try to update as much as possible. And please tell me what you think of the last chapter, any feedback helps even negative but I would prefer if you would give me advice with any negative feedback so I am able to increase my writing abilities instead of having someone that just wants to give someone a hard time. So far most of my readers have been very supportive but there are a few who have not been so kind and I would like to point out that while I love knowing people enjoy my books I am not forcing you to read it and if you don't like it just stop reading or give me helpful advice instead of just talking trash about my book.

I apologize to all of my readers who have been praising my book and those who are just trying to help this was not me fussing at you I only want to thank all of you guys that support me and I hope that you will all continue reading my book.

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