All Bundled Up - Day Two: Winter

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The TV was playing some American 2000's reality show, but only Mu Qing was watching. Why did this asshole invite him over if he was only going to sit on his phone?

Mu Qing would leave, but it was winter and his apartment had shitty heating. He was going to steal Feng Xin's blankets that he never used one day.

What was the point in hoarding so many blankets when you constantly complain about running hot?

Mu Qing rolled his eyes and focused on the screen again. Feng Xin's stupid resting face that made him look angry all the time wasn't worth any of his retina's time.

Feng Xin shifted in his seat. Why couldn't this guy have the courtesy to not move around if he was the one inviting Mu Qing over? Mu Qing 'tsk'ed.

Just as Mu Qing started to really focus on the show, they were surrounded by darkness and silence.

A moment passes.


"Why did you say 'what' like that? What the fuck do you expect me to do?"

"This is your apartment!"

"Look outside asshole!!." Feng Xin audibly stands, waking over the the half-closed curtains and pulling them open, revealing a pitch-black street when there should at least be streetlights on.

"Tsk." Mu Qing rolled his eyes.

"I can- fucking tell that you just rolled your eyes asshole!" Feng Xin raised his voice at him and Mu Qing felt like if he didn't respond in kind, he would explode.

"You can't see me!"

"Ugh, I know you well enough anyway."

That made a small pool of warmth settle deep in Mu Qing's belly, but he ignored it in favour of scoffing.

Silence followed as Feng Xin turned on his phone flashlight and made his way back to the couch, sitting and unlocking his phone to use it.

"...You're going to run out of battery."

"Shut up."


It had been almost 2 hours. It wasn't late, so Mu Qing saw no reason to try and sleep, but didn't want to waste his phone battery. Mu Qing decided to stay the night because the bus wouldn't run in the dark and he was not walking home. Mu Qing was starting to get cold. The apartment heating could only last so long even with the windows closed, and Mu Qing was starting to curl more in on himself to conserve heat.

It took less than five minutes for him to get tired of sitting so cramped up. "Where do you keep all of your blankets? I know you have them." Mu Qing was going to pile them and then steal them when the lights came back on.

"Why? It's not cold." Of course Feng Xin would say that. He's probably all warm still, the bastard, and even though they were the same hight, Feng Xin was broader than Mu Qing; he could probably wrap Mu Qing up and completely surround him with his warmth.

"Of course you would say that. You run hot asshole! You complain about it all the time. You probably don't even know where the blankets even are. In your own apartment. Although, it is to be expected of the muscle-brained Feng Xin." Mu Qing seemed to be the one with more order when it came to such things anyway.

"God, fuck, you're such a dick. Fine!" Feng Xin exclaimed, standing up. "I'll get the fucking blankets." Feng Xin wandered off down the hallway while muttering to himself.

Mu Qing sighed again, crossing his arms. After a moment he reached op to take down his pony tail, sectioning it in half to put over his shoulders. The ache of having his hair being let down was a therapeutic pressure on his head.

Footsteps came back to the living room. "I know your jackass would just complain about not having enough, so I got you four." Feng Xin dumped them on Mu Qing's head and sat down on the couch again.

Mu Qing huffed. He pushed the blankets from his head and smother his hair down. He positioned one of them on over his lap, one overs shoulders and pushed the other two over to Feng Xin, who just threw one haphazardly over his thighs.

Then, Mu Qing Just sat.


As time slowly passed, and the other two blankets were stolen and thrown over him, Mu Qing still couldn't find sufficient warmth.

"Tsk. You run hot, why aren't you sitting closer to me? You know I run cold." Mu Qing didn't want to ask him for help, but it was just selfish, how Feng Xin wouldn't share any of his warmth but Mu Qing.

Feng Xin looked up at him, then down at the mass of blankets on him, and turned his phone off, eliminating all light. He moved closer to Mu Qing; to the middle of the couch.

"Well? Come over here then." Feng Xin started to pull on the blankets. Mu Qing moved closer.

Feng Xin pulled the blankets over himself, reaching Mu Qing, and grabbing his arm. Mu Qing moved closer until their knees touched, but Feng Xin grabbed his thigh, pulling them together fully.

Feng Xin flings the blankets off of Mu Qing, letting the cold air hit him. Mu Qing leaned closer to Feng Xin's warmth.

Although Feng Xin had carefully placed the blankets over him again, Mu Qing still curled into him.

Even though it was completely dark, Mu Qing still felt as though he were being perceived fully. He moved around a little, but eventually settled against Feng Xin with his hands in between his thighs.

"Are your hands cold?" Feng Xin's breath was warm on his shoulder, and it made Mu Qing tingle all over.

"Why does it matter to you?" Mu Qing had already started to warm up, but his voice held a shiver.

"Let me hold them."

"Ngh." What. Why the hell did Feng Xin want to hold his hands.

Mu Qing slowly slid his hands out, forcing them into Feng Xin's.

"There." Feng Xing whispered as he encased Mu Qing's hands with his own. It sent a wave of calm over Mu Qing, making his eyelids feel a hundred pounds. His head seemed to just fall onto Feng Xin's shoulder.

He would just rest a bit. It was very warm next to Feng Xin.


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