id love to see me from your point of view - Day 4: Sun/Moon

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Mu Qing waits. Its only when the clock at the front of the hall strikes four that he gets off shift. All of the other moon operatives that share his shift usually go to the baths, or study if they're young, or sometimes just sit with their friends. It would be unheard of for such a low ranking operative to sneak off to the crossing bridge to meet with a sun worker. Even if Mu Qing waits for his shift to end, its another twenty minutes of waiting until all of the other operatives have found their places after switching shifts that he can actually make his way to the bridge of crossing, which is annoying because the path to the bridge of crossing is very very long and by the end of his shift Mu Qing very very much would like to see Feng Xin.

He sighs, and when he looks over to another operative spilling her drink, the usual sorrow on the faces of moon operatives, increased. He rolls his eyes and continues to watch the time tick by.


Feng Xin laughs along with a group of sun workers. He thrives in the mirth of their happiness.

It's a lingering thing, in the back of his mind, there's a small voice that sounds disturbingly like Mu Qing, complaining about having to wait to see each other. Feng Xin blocked out his thoughts and turned back to his work.

Luckily, today was a fairly easy one, and he could easily talk with his friends instead of thinking about Mu Qing and the stupid dimple he has on his left cheek that keeps Feng Xin up at night.

Feng Xin shakes his head and leans on the railing of the upper level. Mu Qing had explained that in to moon, there were many levels, the higher you went the more they were only attainable via ladder which had locks on them, similar to the keycards that the sun had. Mu Qing had said that only the vey top level had stairs in it again, but only the highest operatives could access it.

In the sun, there was only two floors, with a big staircase in the middle. Access was never restricted from anybody, and there were no complecated controls.

Feng Xin pointedly looked away from the clock. He found time passed by quicker if he wasn't checking.


Mu Qing had been sitting still for exactly seven hours, with one minor break to pull the leaver controlling the tide up when his shift hit the six hour mark. Today, as per usual, he was tasked with controlling the tide on the south east beaches of Africa. A fine job, as usually the tides were easy to keep, but got difficult at times where the water was uneasy.

Today was a particularly boring day, with little to do. Mu Qing sighed. Seven hours done, seven to go.


Only seven more minutes.

Feng Xin is practically buzzing with anticipation. He knows Mu Qing has told him many times that its best they wait before making their way to the bridge of crossing, but Feng Xin usually rushes anyway. He knows it won't actually change the amount of time it will take to see Mu Qing, as he actually waits, but the adrenaline coursing through his veins doesn't know that.

When the gongs are hit, signalling the end of his shift, Feng Xin forces his body into compliance, walking robotically to the change room where he can change out of his uniform. He continues the forced walking until he gets outside, then bolts.


Mu Qing is a patient person. He has to be. Because if someone from a higher class found out, both he and Feng Xin would be so unbelievably fucked, Mu Qing doesn't even want to know what would happen to them.

He hops over a railing to hide on the side of the steps. He has to climb down rocks to avoid the restricted pathways, scraping his hands just slightly.

Then he jumps, more meters than he would like to know down to the bridge of crossing. Thank the stars its stable.

He looks up once he lands. Feng Xin's figure is close enough to see his facial expressions and Mu Qing's resolve crumbles.

He should be more ashamed that he broke down this fast, but Feng Xin had to work for it if he did say so himself.

He ran towards him, the day had taken more out of him than he thought, it seems.

When they finally crashed together, Mu Qing indulges his desire to wrap his arms around Feng Xin, but it's only a moment before he shoves him off.

"Why are you here before me again? You know we have to wait!" Mu Qing always started off their visits with this. He wasn't really angry, so much as worried.

Feng Xin sighed. "Aren't you happy that I'm exited to see you?" He asked while moving his hands to rest on Mu Qing's hips.

Mu Qing huffed and sat against a railing, Feng Xin followed.

They settled in a crossed-crossed position with their knees touching. Feng Xin reached to entwine their hands, bringing their opposite hands to rest over them.

Feng Xin reached up and brushed a lock of hair behind Mu Qing's ear while looking utterly besotted at the man.

Mu Qing flushed but leaned into his hold. They would usually be making snarky remarks at each other by now, thinly veiled foreplay with no way to release any of the tension. They would not have their first time on a bridge.

Feng Xin keeps his hand on Mu Qing's cheek, drawing him in for a tender kiss. 


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